Regarding lessons

when you level up and get a huge amount of new lessons, do you firstly go over all of the vocabulary words from the previous level before proceeding to the next level material or interleave?


So I stopped before the lesson picker was a thing

I did a lot of my study using their default order which I didnā€™t find productive, so I used a 3rd party app to reorder my lessons

What I did was all the radicals as soon as they came available then did a daily 10 lessons which was 3 kanji and 7 vocab

I found it kept my total number of lessons down but never slowed down leveling up (about 15 days per level)


interesting approach! thank you,
I think Iā€™ll have to tweak around with it for a bit,
I myself study around 20 lessons per day (I have a lot of time on my hands, and it keeps me productive). So maybe Iā€™ll shift it like 15 vocab 5 kanji?


Yeah that sounds about right

My problem was Iā€™d guru the kanji but then need to get through the vocab before I could do the next level. I think WK has too much superfluous vocab but Iā€™ve voiced my opinion on this elsewhere.

My reordering really made the time I spent with WK fruitful, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s the only correct way so Iā€™d recommend playing around a bit! I do think the default should be a mixture of kanji and vocab and not just WK 's default of ā€œearliest items firstā€


Iā€™m sure someone of your level probably faced this much more than me, so your insight is very much appreciated, personally Iā€™d say the vocab is fine for me, because I am enjoying learning a lot of vocab and enriching myself,
but I can 100% see how it would negatively affect someone with different goals in mind.


5 kanji/day is probably fine to keep the flow going smoothly.

Personally, I do 12 lessons daily (that amounts to 14-15 days/level for all items including vocab), except radicals which I do all in one go even if there are more than 12.
I used to do 3 kanji+9 vocab but on level 15 I reached a point where I ran out of unlocked vocab due to too few kanji having guru-ed and had a couple of days with only 6-7 new lessons. So now I switched to 6 kanji/day just to be on the safe side.

Even when a new level is unlocked, Iā€™ll finish all vocab from current level before doing the new radicals. But thatā€™s just meā€¦ if you start the new level earlier then youā€™d have plenty of leftover vocab even while going through the new leveā€™s kanji at a slow pace.


I see, I feel the same way regarding the fact you need to finish all vocab first before approaching the new material, aside from the radicals though, seems to me it should be learned right away so that more kanji can be unlocked by the end of learning the vocab.
Thank you! it surely helped me form a little bit more confidence in my approach


I now use the ā€œtodayā€™s lessonsā€ feature exactly for this - it gets you through last levelā€™s vocabulary on a ā€œnot to interfere with leveling up this levelā€ basis. But not at the highest possible level up speed, it shoots for 10 days. So every day you get a mix of a couple new radicals, five-ish new kanji, and a bunch of the vocab. Keeps it interesting and gets you through at a reasonable pace, without you having to worry about it.


Iā€™ve been using the Lesson Picker to ā€˜enforceā€™ a steady 10-day per level schedule:
Day 1: All radicals
Days 2 & 3: 1/4 of the kanji each day
Day 4: 1/5 of the vocab (or as much vocab that was unlocked at level up, whichever is smaller)
Days 5 & 6: 1/4 of the kanji each day
Days 7 - 10: 1/5 of the vocab each day (provided Iā€™ve unlocked the lessons)

So long as I donā€™t get too many of the radicals and kanji wrong in reviews, that means that Iā€™m unlocking the vocab lessons for that level as I go, and then doing them all before I level up. Level up happens on Day 10 (provided I havenā€™t made too many mistakes), so the day I level up is the same day that Iā€™m finishing up the vocab lessons. And the next day I can immediately jump right into the radicals for the new level.

This does mean Iā€™m doing a large amount of lessons on each of the vocab days (usually between 20-30 lessons), so Iā€™m more likely to make mistakes on vocab reviews later. But it also means I never get the massive blocks of lessons unlocked at once, which can be overwhelming. :slight_smile:


I also do 15-20 lessons per day and my approach has settled on:

  • I learn all radicals when available
  • About a day before radicals get to guru, I do just new kanji, no vocabulary, with more kanji right after radicals go to guru. I found out that if I mix the kanji with vocabulary, I get more of them wrong. I just learn all of them in few consecutive days.
  • In the meantime, I do vocabulary, previous level has priority.

If lessons pile up, I switch to 20 lessons and the pile goes down naturally. If I am running out of lessons, I switch to 15 lessons. There is notable difference, I made a post about it recently: Surprising difference between 15 and 20 lessons per day


your insight has helped me greatly, much like everyone else here, I will def take this to my mind


I always try to do the previous levelā€™s vocab before starting with the new radicals.