Many New Lessons!

When you get a bunch of new lessons at once, say 30 or 40, is it best to do them all at once or space them out a few days?

I break them into chunks of 15-20 and then do a chunk every hour until I’m at around 80-90ish apprentice items. And then I do new lessons as I clear out apprentice items to keep it around that number.

All the answers are going to be pretty subjective since no one can really tell you an objective best.


I do 20 lessons every day, don’t really see a reason to do them all at once/in a single day :stuck_out_tongue:
Decide on a speed (e.g. 8 days/level) and then do as many lessons as you’ll need to. (WaniKani averages ~150 items per level)
This way, your reviews will be more evenly spread out instead of coming in on a single day.


Thanks! Yes, I’m just looking for opinions :slight_smile:

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I do all my lessons and reviews in one large chunk when I get them. It leads to some slightly larger reviews, but it keeps that sweet sweet 0 0.


Do what works for you!

My strategy is to get through radicals and kanji as soon as possible, but take my time going through vocab. That’s because leveling up is only based on kanji, not vocab!

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I do as many as I can in one go, up to a limit of ~120-150 apprentice cards.

Read this guide

It’ll help you better understand how WK works then you can decide how many lessons you will be comfortable with and how many lessons/day you need to reach your target speed.

Generally if you do your radicals and kanji lessons right away when theyre available and about 20/days then you’ll be going 7 days/level while clearing your lesson stack before levelling up.


I do all radicals, then wait a few hours to one day, then all kanji, wait, and then all vocab. Lessons tend to come in that order so its not too difficult.

Otherwise I just do one huge chunk and get 0 0

I only limit 15 lessons per day and less than 100 apprentices. This way, there’s space in my brain for SRS-ing vocabulary words, grammar, listening and reading. Take it slow, it’s a marathon not a sprint :grinning:

I found that natural order is more efficient for my brain than artificially manipulate the order and be in rush doing radicals and kanji in order to fast level up. This is because vocabs need longer time to master than just radicals and kanji.

Well, do what works for you and prioritize. Some users here are doing only kanji so it’s good to do the lessons all at once in order to level up fast. If you’re doing more than just kanji, it would be best to limit the time needed so you can have other things to learn.

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Plus vocab is far more important in remembering your readings and becoming literate in the language. Always seems weird to me when people neglect the vocab to rush through radicals and kanji when those are the least useful of the three things WK teaches when actually reading.


That’s like saying your ABC doesnt matter for reading english. Kanji make up the vocab, how could they be less important. All of them are important.

I didn’t say “doesn’t matter” anywhere in my post. But, jukugo words don’t always have a meaning that can just be created from the piecing together the individual kanji. That’s why vocab is much more important.

Take for example: ćŒćœ“. If you only learned the individual kanji, you won’t actually know what that word means if you encountered when reading. Yes, ateji is special but even non-ateji jukugo doesn’t always just mean a literal combining of the individual kanji.

And the same time you’ll be hard pressed to recognize words with harder kanji like èșŠèș‡ 朊朧 æ†‚éŹ± 瀟排 if you haven’t actually taken time to learn the individual kanji. Especially if it’s not a size 100 font.
Recognizing, reading and meaning are all important parts of kanji. Saying they’re more or less important than vocab just seems wrong.

Even in English, just because I can pronounce the letters C, A and T doesn’t mean I know the meaning of the word “cat”.

Where did I say not to learn individual kanji? Again, knowing those words is going to be more useful than knowing the building blocks in isolation. Vocab being “more important” is not saying individual kanji are useless. You seem to be removing any and all nuance from my posts.

There’s some people that doing only kanji and catch up with reading and grammar after level 60. It’s not wrong, but for me it’s just no fun to wait for a year to finish all kanji then learn how to read a sentence.

It’s like a child forced to learn ABC for a year before reading anything. I agree, it is “weird” because it’s not a natural way to learn a language.

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Are you sure anybody actually does this?

This isnt how people level up fast

Yes, because I was that child last year :joy:
I believe many people do that too because of influence on the net in order to be cool by bragging their achievements. Why not do it the cool way, not the usual way. I realized that was just an insecurity :sweat_smile:

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Honestly, for better or for worse, I do them all. I would rather see the words over and over and over then have them sit there.