I’m writing this post because I wanted to ask for recommendations for manga that are easy to read, I’m almost level 3 here in WaniKani and I don’t plan to stop, however I am way more advanced in my grammar, and I’d like to start to consume the language a bit. So I’d like to ask for easy to read manga (manga that children could read since they use easy kanji).
Since you already know some grammar, I’d recommend starting with the Tadoku graded readers. They have short stories from levels 0-5 so you could have a look through and see where you feel comfortable at starting from.
If you want to jump into manga, then some of the past absolute beginner book club choices might be good for you. The book clubs are handy because they have vocab lists for each manga, and also threads where you can ask for help or just read through other people’s questions. For my personally these have been invaluable. I think 小さな森のおおかみちゃん is one of the easiest one’s they’ve had for a while so this might be a good one to start with.
I didn’t mention tadoku graded readers, because they are usually in the form of books, not manga (the links I mentioned are, while not manga, still comic books), but yeah, they are great!
If we go beyond manga / comic books – then I also highly recommend another great free resource