📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月21日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Fujiki 2 episodes 27/41
:kimono: 舞妓さんちのまかないさん 4 chapters 130/261
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 時をかける少女 3% 31% 11 new words

One year ago (2023/02/18) I started reading my first manga (ルリドラゴン 1 with the ABBC).
Well today I just finished 舞妓さんちのまかないさん12 and that is my 100th book read in Japanese :smiley:

So close now!


Wow, congrats!! Your progress is so cool to see!


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home post and thread

I totally skipped reading in japanese for one week because I was engrossed reading in english the 10 volumes of The Apothecary Diaries light novels, and I must say, ladies and gentlemen, that I regret nothing :star_struck:
Well, I was reading in a foreign language (for me), so at least I progressed on one front, I might say.
Buuut, the next volumes are in japanese, level 38 acording to Learn Natively, so now, back to work !!! :nerd_face:


:frog: かえるくん、東京を救う (Super Frog saves Tokyo), short story by Haruki Murakami, 2 pages.

I must propose this reading to the BBC, it’s my duty as a Murakami Haruki fan. When I think this short story can’t surprise me anymore, it does, and this time it was with a really moving page.



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-21 :gun: Persona 3 Reload :video_game: RPG :arrow_forward: 4/21
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 2h30m

So I switched from Game Pass to Steam for Persona 3 so I could sync saves from computer to Steam deck easily. This meant I had to save again, as saves aren’t compatible between the two versions, so “let’s just play through in English to where I was and pick up from there” was my thought. Sadly, if you change your game language it resets MC’s name, so I started from the start in Japanese again. At least it was faster and easier this time, but between Portable, Game Pass, Steam in English and now Steam in Japanese, this is my fourth time going through the intro sequence, so I’d kind of expect it to be. Still, now everything is set regardless of which device I play on for a Japanese playthrough, so forward game progress next time.


Feb 20th!
Chapter 162 of Shadows House today. Very tempted to read ahead, but I’m trying to be disciplined!

Feb 21st!
About 5 and a half pages of the Orange light novel today.

(Home Post)


Have you looked at ハピネス?


22 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:beach_umbrella: 隣は何を食う人ぞ ~ほろ酔い 10 manga 27 pg0 → pg96
:hamburger: 隣は何を食う人ぞ ~ほろ酔い 9 manga 27 pg107 → complete :white_check_mark:
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 22% (no change)
:squid: ダンジョン飯3 manga 29 55% (no change)
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 30% (no change)
  • Finished ほろ酔い9 and on to ほろ酔い10. I guess I’m on a roll? I should note these are just my initial no lookups passes but I feel like I’m understanding quite a lot anyway. I am going back with lookups eventually but I kinda just feel like reading right now.

Feb. 21

Read 4 chapters of チョコっとちょこちゃん today. Since I’m so close to the end, and so close to the end of February, I decided to try and finish it before the end of the month. 20 pages to go!


Feb 22, Thu of Week 8 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 Ch.8 [250-253/258] (end)

  • ぼぎわんが来る (25-29%)

  • 徒花異譚

In fullscreen and no immediate Yomitan today.

How cruel :palm_tree:

Words of the day
  • すくすく(.) = (on-mim) growing up quickly
  • はらはら(.) = (on-mim) being anxious
  • あんぐり(.) = (on-mim) opening mouth wide. Astonishment can be a reason, like ポカンと, but not really.
  • じゃれつく(.) = to coil around; to cling (of a little animal or a child)
  • ~を() = passing; going by; via
  • 指向(しこう) = -oriented; pointing towards
  • 連綿(れんめん) = uninterrupted; continuous. The second Kanji is usually 綿(わた) or 木綿(もめん). (But do have some sense…)
  • 清澄(せいちょう) = clear; lucid. Second Kanji is from ()ます, but no idea of the On’yomi before.
  • 枝振(えだぶ)り = the way a tree branches; shape of a tree
  • 葉擦(はず)れ = rustling of leaves. Not really (はず)れ (= extremity / too bad).
  • 路傍(ろぼう)(いし) = roadside stone
  • 消沈(しょうちん) = dejection; low spirits. Not as full 意気消沈(いきしょうちん) in context.
  • 瞋恚(しんい)(ほむら) = intense rage. Well, flamey 真意(しんい). One of 三毒(さんどく), coupled with 貪欲(どんよく) and 愚痴(ぐち).
  • 業腹(ごうはら) = intense rage. 腹立(はらだ)つ, but probably also with 業火(ごうか).
  • 一辺倒(いっぺんとう) = wholehearted; devotion
  • (きよ)め = purifying. For doing (きよ)める.
  • 護符(ごふ) = amulet. Like お(まも).
  • バミューダパンツ(.) = Bermuda shorts - Wikipedia. I have no idea about the Bermuda, except for the △.
  • 未開(みかい) = uncivilized; barbaric. Not yet 開拓(かいたく).
  • 肥大化(ひだいか) = bloated. Talking of 官僚(かんりょう), so probably wasting citizen’s tax.
  • 着目(ちゃくもく) = giving attention


22nd feb

home post

still exhausted so i’ve cut down to just ouran cos it’s easier to focus on just one thing atm. read about half of vol 13, plus some stuff on pixiv.

today’s nhk article was this one, plus the entries on それでも and それどころか


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 22 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

影法師 :sunrise_over_mountains: :paintbrush:
Chapter: 1/3

Next story!

About a group of kids in a mountain village painting their silhouettes on a wall.

Word Found Drawn on the Wall

硯箱「すずりばこ」ー Inkstone case


I LOVE the apothecary diaries. I started reading through the light novels recently too! I’m in the middle of volume 6! I wish they had an english physical release.

My Update:

Home Post

I think I’m gonna stop mentioning 二ノ国 unless it’s the only reading I’ve had for the day :thinking: It’s hard for me to keep track of how long I played and sometimes it’s more reading than other times, etc…

I initially hated the art in Bungo Stray Dogs Dazai, Chuuya Aged 15. The legs in particular really bug me.
But it really grew on me by the end of the volume. It got a really horror-vibe at times.

サツドウ is this random new series I found about a guy raised to be a super awesome assassin who just wants to try out being a salaryman. It’s dumb in a way that I love. :laughing: Other than no furigana and random body vocabulary that you don’t really need to know, it wasn’t too bad difficulty wise.

サツドウ 1 Ch 1
some 二ノ国

サツドウ 1 Ch 2
文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰、中也、十五歳 1 Ch 1-3

文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰、中也、十五歳 1 Ch 4
サツドウ 1 Ch 3

サツドウ 1 Ch 4

サツドウ 1 Ch 5-6


19 Feb - 22 Feb

:books: My home thread

Title Pages read Progress Status
ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 vol. 5 204-221 221/256 reading

I’m actively reading HP, I really want to finish it in February :muscle:


Feb 22nd!

Another 7.5 pages of the Orange light novel today. I’m hoping to finish it before my trip to Japan next month, but that might be a bit ambitious!

(Home Post)


:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 21

Read the last chapter + epilogue of あなたも殺人犯になれる! and therefore finished!! My first finished book this year, which means I’m…behind, but I basically had no life in January so hopefully it’s okay. I left my toughts about it on the bookclub thread. It was a fun read.

I also played about 20 min of 逆転裁判. I’ll probably finish the case I’m on before thinking about starting another book. We’ll see what I do. I’m also back to reading manga a bit (ハイキュー‼) so I have several options.


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:frog: かえるくん、東京を救う (Super Frog saves Tokyo), short story by Haruki Murakami, pages 23 & 24/36.
2/3 of the short story : \o/

Also, yesterday I couldn’t resist more and bought The Apothecary Diaries volume 11 in japanese. It’s level 38 on Learn Natively and clearly, it’s above my level but somehow, I managed to understand the big picture. However, I’ve read only 5 pages in 2 hours and at the end, I was exhausted :sweat_smile:
I think I’ll keep on reading for now, but if it becomes too difficult, I’ll try again in a few months.


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 22 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VII (50% → 58%)

I don’t think this is going to be the last volume in the series. What do I read after this book? :thinking:

  • Honzuki 17
  • Kusuriya 11
  • Watanare 1
0 voters

Home Thread // February 22nd, 2024

Name Progress State Finished
Markus’ Ascend (Part 1) 6/22 chapters (27%) Currently reading
The King’s Birthday 7/7 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 19th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s wonderful world 6/6 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 12th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s rescue 24/24 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 9th Feb, 2024

Kinda lazy today, only read two more chapters from Markus’ Ascend and one NHK Easy Article… well, at least I’ve got something to do tomorrow then :melting_face:


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月22日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Fujiki 2 episodes 29/41
:kimono: 舞妓さんちのまかないさん 3 chapters 133/272
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 時をかける少女 26% 57% 92 new words

Fujiki is my least favorite story so far on Satori Reader :confused: it’s just using a lot of themes that I don’t enjoy: violence, revenge, supernatural, demons

Learned アベック from 時をかける少女. It means a couple (of lovers, etc.) and what blew my mind is that I read that it comes from the French language, but I am French and I had no idea what word it could be, had to research it :see_no_evil: (it comes from “avec” → “with”)

Also I really like this feature with ttsu reader, the pictures are only revealed when you click on them, as to avoid spoilers! Like this picture, that reveals the cliffhanger at the end of the chapter, nice that you don’t see the content while you read.


Oh, I thought it was for users reading NSFW material, lol. I turned the blur off as it was super distracting.