📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

:man_walking: back to my home post

:star2: 02月03日 Read: Progress:
:ghost: グースバンプス 2 pgs 40/189 pgs
:gift_heart: 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん 1 chapter 61%
:headphones: 気になってる人が男じゃなかった week 1 9%
:crossed_swords: The Three Musketeers [eng.] chapters 15-17 193/704 pgs

I felt like I was in so many book clubs but when I counted them up to add links in my study log it was only 3. Then I was like, 3’s not that many… maybe I need to join another book club. Was excited to start 気になってる人, we’ll see if I stick to the book club pace.


Home post

Feb 3

  • ARIA chapter 19
  • 舞妓さんち this week’s chapter

I have a question today. Does anyone know what the onomatopoeia ザザーン means? I can’t find it in my dictionary or with a Google search. It’s appeared in ARIA quite a few times now, and seems to appear in usually scene-setting panels that are kinda zoomed out. Here are some examples:

ARIA panels

Edit: now that I think about it, based on context, maybe it’s a light wind?



Feb 3

Home post

どうぶつの(もり) again. Collected star shards, rescued Gullivarrr, and got the sea pig I needed for the museum.



this sorta fits with the context, a white noise, and the way it’s written kinda has the rhythm of breaking waves to me.


I’m at a real beginner level at Japanese, but I’m able to play both the 3DS and Switch versions of どうぶつのもり. I’ve spent a crazy number of hours playing in English, (like into the thousands :sweat_smile:) so I’ve basically memorized the game. The villager text is really difficult to translate, especially with all the colloquialisms. It is a good learning experience for me to look up all the katakana, though. I have a seriously giant game guide (over 1900 pages :flushed:) that I’m really looking forward to using when I get further along.


Thanks for the fun fact! And thanks for an additional new vocabulary word. It just so happens I was doing that (機織はたおり) too on my friend’s island!


Animal Crossing is great for beginners! The most difficult part for me is the cranky villagers since they use the most casual speech ever :flushed: But it’s nice to be exposed to so many different speech styles.

How could they even fill 1900 pages…


:laughing: I’m pretty sure they list every item in the game. I think it will be a great way to expand and reinforce vocabulary :slight_smile:


I expected to have issues following the challenge during January due to work and travel but it ended up being a lot worse than anticipated. I did read some days here and there but didn’t even track it and ended up completely dropping the challenge. Thankfully there’s still February left so it’s my chance to try again. I started back up yesterday:

:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 3

Read some あなたも殺人犯になれる! to try to get back into things.


Wikipedia tells me that ザザーン is a monster from Ultraman, so my guess is that it represents a bubbling sound that foreshadows a sea monster rising from the depths, like at the start of this clip:

(ザザーン is the seaweed covered one.)


I’m not going to lie, while I love the feeling of accomplishment I have getting to chapter 7 of Harry Potter 1, because I have read it before and watched the movies a few times, it’s not as exciting for me, and I am thinking of cheating on it with a book written by a Japanese author.

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(For easy extension)

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Finally going to start doing this to hold myself accountable, for not reading enough (even though i supposedly managed to pass the n2)

these are my different accounts both on natively and 読書メーター


Feb 4

It is only 1 pm so might read more later, but so far I have read a chapter in the Hotel manga. I think I stumbled on my first multiple speech bubbles in a row where my understanding was very low. Good thing those particular speech bubbles weren’t necessary to understand the segment. I was a bit temped to look up a lot of things to understand more, but decided I like the easy of just keep reading. And so far not understanding that bit hasn’t been a problem.

Will probably reread this series regularly in the future so eventually I will know exactly what was being said. Future Me to the rescue!


:japanese_ogre: February 3 :beans:

Seasons was about the first day of spring (yay!)

I’ll post about today’s reading tomorrow.


2月03日 & 2月04日
Home post

The weekend was spent on Week 3 of ルリドラゴン. The reactions of both adults are so funny.

Words of interest:
  • ゆるい lenient
  • 寛容 「かんよう」 tolerant
  • 一応 「いちおう」 pretty much
  • 物騒 「ぶっそう」 dangerous
  • 亜人族的 「あじんぞくてき」 demi-human

Feb 4, Sun of Week 5 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 Ch.5 [154-157/258]


Probably unlocked the path to secret ED now.

Words of the day
  • 佇立(ちょりつ) = standing still. First Kanji is from (たたず)む / (たたず)まい.
  • ビラ(.) = flyer. Said チラシ afterwards in the same context.
  • 遠縁(とおえん) = distant relative. Opposite being 近縁(きんえん), which is On-On.
  • 参政権(さんせいけん) = voting rights

Book highlights

ヨーマン = Yeoman - Wikipedia. Actually also, https://yeoman.io :tophat:
ジェントリ = Gentry - Wikipedia
ピューリタン革命 = Wars of the Three Kingdoms - Wikipedia (Puritan Revolution)
クロムウェル = Oliver Cromwell - Wikipedia
鉄騎隊 = Ironside (cavalry) - Wikipedia

王政復古(おうせいふっこ) = Stuart Restoration - Wikipedia and similar
名誉革命 = Glorious Revolution - Wikipedia
アン女王 = Anne, Queen of Great Britain - Wikipedia
ウォルポール = Robert Walpole - Wikipedia


Home Thread // February 4th, 2024

Today, I read two more chapters from Aryn’s rescue, and I was able to translate the two chapters from yesterday as well, so yay! :smile:


Did you fight in a dungeon ? How are they in comparison with P5R ?


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:heavy_heart_exclamation: Sakura and Suzuki on Satori Reader, ep. 19 to 21.


So differences I’ve noticed so far:

Persona 3 Portable/Reload first few hours vs Persona 5 Royal first few hours
  1. The dungeon (Tartarus) is randomly generated, like Mementos in 5, there’s no Palace equivalent, though there are supposed to be bosses and story events in the dungeon later. The layouts so far are pretty bland, though the exterior design is cool so I’m hoping for more as I progress? It’s still very clearly built from randomly generated blocks though, unless they also have set piece blocks later.
  2. I’m aware there’s some sort of stamina system in Portable, and you get items to mitigate it, but I’ve yet to have to deal with it. Reload on the other hand jettisons this system.
  3. The default mode is that you control only the MC in combat, and other characters are AI controlled. You can however configure it for direct control, and Reload seems to anticipate that you will, as there’s things like all out attack animations for party members that you won’t see otherwise.
  4. There are fewer elements in 3 than 5. Nuclear and Psychic are not yet introduced
  5. Physical attacks however are split into 3 categories. Unlike 5 it’s not unlimited melee + ammo limited ranged, but instead the attacks are based on your characters primary weapon.
  6. You can’t chain switch personas for 1 mores, you get 1 switch per character turn.
  7. The whole sneaking and ambushing mechanic from 5 isn’t there. Which I guess makes sense given that it was part of the whole phantom thieves getup. You can get advantage/disadvantage based on when who attacks first, but that’s more just based on line and sight and timing rather than explicit actions.
  1. Persona activation is by shooting themselves in the head, so uhh, that’s a thing. In Portable they show the full animation every time you use a Persona ability, which just feels like pointless edge. Reload has more variety in attack animations.
  2. You get introduced to way more party members up front, where Persona 5’s story revolves around building the team.
  1. Reload has a lot of UI stuff from 5, like quest tracking on the world map etc., that Portable doesn’t have
  2. Portable’s UI doesn’t have the same level of stylish aesthetic that later entries have. You can see hints of what the series is going to become, but it’s a lot duller/plainer. Reload’s on the other hand, might be even better than Royal’s.
  3. Reload has a Rollback feature that is basically built in save scumming to checkpoints, if that’s your thing.
  4. Portable on the other hand doesn’t save from the menu, instead you save from save points, which are in your home base and outside the dungeon entrance. So a lot fewer chances to save.
  5. Portable’s audio recordings have notable compression issues. Particularly Mitsuro’s dialogue.