📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

Thanks for all the details ! :pray:

[quote=“araigoshi, post:981, topic:64212”]
Persona activation is by shooting themselves in the head, so uhh, that’s a thing.
Yeah I was told that. Like you say : that’s a thing… :grimacing:


I was playing Portable on the train. I was genuinely considering doing combat less effectively by using more melee attacks as the person next to me was looking at my Deck and it was just 10 minutes of apparent suicide lol


2月4日 | Home post

  • アオハライド (1) pp. 139-184 (finished)
  • 夜カフェ 1 (5.38% → 7.32%)

Finished 夜カフェ Chapter 1, and アオハライド Volume 1. I should be too old for school romances, but apparently I’m still weak for shoujo manga. I think I’m going to keep reading the rest of the series :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月4日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Dialogs: Train Station 2 episodes 9/10
:railway_car: 阪急電車 5% 60% 78 new words
:kimono: 舞妓さんちのまかないさん 2 chapters 113/261

Welcome here! Truly impressed that you passed N2, plus I might be wrong but I feel like I remember you posting somewhere that you were super young? (like 16? or 18?)
(by the way the natively link doesn’t link to your profile, just to the home page)


3rd and 4th feb

home post

kind of a minimal weekend cos i spent all my time doing other stuff, but i read a bit more of the bakumatsu book today and yesterday (plus trying translating an earlier entry cos seeing @NeoArcturus doing it with their reading convinced me to give it a go) plus some bits and pieces elsewhere (mainly pixiv)


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 4 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VI (39% → 45%)

motto yomitaiii~ neru no wa yada T^T mu



:previous_track_button: Previous | :house: Home post | Next :next_track_button:

Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-04 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子4 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 29-33
:page_facing_up: 119 pages
:hourglass: 50m

Finished out 放浪息子4 today, spread out across a few sessions during the day. This weeks reading was mostly Persona 3 and two volumes of this — I had intended to read some more of 本好きの下剋上 - I want to get the first volume of the junior novel version done before the IBC starts up the next book (セーラー服と機関銃) as I intend to join in and don’t want to be juggling two novels. Good thing I have an extra day off tomorrow I guess to make some progress on that :slight_smile:


I read four Level one stories.


February 4

Read chapters 5-8 of 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん.
Finished chapter 2 of みんなの日本語.


5 Feb | Home

Title Progress
また、同じ夢を見ていた 7% → 10%
ダンジョン飯2 104/195 (53%) - no change
不思議駄菓子屋1 13% - no change
  • Finished the week’s reading for また、同じ夢を見ていた, will go through with a dictionary and a notepad afterwards.
  • Depending on how work is might poke at something during the day.

It’s funny to see reactions to Persona 3’s ‘imma off myself’ gimmick in this day and age. I vaguely remember the original launch on PS2 what reactions were like… though I didn’t personally get into the series until P4 Golden or so.


:japanese_ogre: February 4 :beans:

Kinda a lot of reading yesterday. I already forgot what seasons :snowman_with_snow: was about. Colors :rainbow: had so much info, I caught up on the seasons that I missed. But for the current season (the first of spring/the year), the colors revolve around plum blossoms, which also symbolize happiness it seems.

Smoking :smoking: was nice. I feel bad for the characters but I’m liking the one guy more and more.

I started Not a Guy :musical_note: and it’s really a lot of fun. The slang is a lot easier than Smoking’s :smoking: and the story is really cute. I read one page past this week’s reading on accident. It feels nice though to have an easy story back in my reading. Plus this one isn’t going to take up a lot of my time.

Ok, now that that’s wrapped up, time for me to read JoJo and post some discussion questions!


Home post

Feb 4

  • スキップ・ビート! chapter 62
    Felt a little easily-distracted while reading, maybe because I had a lot going on today.

Thank you @javerend and @pm215 for helping me with my question! In the context of the story (since the mood is very calm and there’s nothing menacing happening), I think the white noise meaning fits quite well! I guess like an atmospheric white noise?


Feb 4

Home post

Two pages from (おな)(ゆめ). I want to catch up with the Natively book club, which means reading around three pages per day, but I’m getting sick, so we’ll see.


i didn’t know that it would only link to the home page , so thank you ! Every Profile of mine is linked to imtryingjapanese though so it shouldn’t be hard to find me :slight_smile: Also yes you are right , not sure where i posted that but yes


My answer was a joke, by the way :slight_smile: I agree with @javerend that it’s a sound of waves. The children’s book うみザザザ
apparently includes the line

ざざーん ざざざざざざざ ざっぱーん なみが きらきら わらってる

as a definitely wave related example, and Googling for ザザーン 擬音語 brings up other people saying it’s a wave noise, including a blog with this example image:


1 Feb - 4 Feb

:books: My home thread

Title Pages read Progress Status
ふらいんぐうぃっち vol. 7 143-176 176/176 finished
ふらいんぐうぃっち vol. 8 0-64 64/176 started
ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 vol. 5 129-142 142/256 reading

I had pretty busy week, hope to have more time for Japanese this week instead!


5th feb

home post

another ouran chapter, the author said she liked the character at the centre of this arc and you can absolutely tell. another chapter of (けもの)奏者(そうじゃ) too, getting more difficult but i’m not sure i could say why? cos lots of honourific language maybe? and some more pages in the bakumatsu book (planning on translating another one later)

today’s nhk articles were this one and this one, plus the rest of that granblue chapter from last week (lowkey unfun, highkey not helpful, might swap it out for smth else), and the entries on (おも)われる and おり in aDoIJG

words that stood out

就寝(しゅうしん) - going to bed, retiring for the night

(かめ) - earthenware pot, in this case for cooking with. that kanji didn’t even come up in my IME :sweat_smile:


Still reading daily!

Last few days:
Daily: Akiko (Satori) - shifted up to 3 per day to finish it this week, I really loved where they took this story, so I’m glad I stuck with it. But, boy is it long, at 133 episodes.
Most days: ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂 [The Mysterious Sweet Shop]. As soon as I’ve finished off reading my backlog (the next entries), I’m going to return to reading ahead of the bookclub extensively, and reading with the bookclub intensively. I had so much fun reading this extensively and I’m missing that! I don’t quite get that joy from anything else I’m reading atm.
Continuing: 2nd grade biographies reading the 2nd to last one… so excited, started working on a retrospective as a tribute for when I finally finish it :joy:
Sped up: Slam Dunk finished Ch 4! Ah, love how the story is developing now that a) I can understand male slang and b) punchups are no longer the main show
Revived interest in finishing off: 小さな森のオオカミちゃん 2 - another chapter extensively (#16 I thought the swim suit chapter was totally out of character, I had actually enjoyed that オオカミちゃん was a wolf and not a hot girl with wolf ears and bushy tail :sob:). Anyway, I’ve recovered, lol, and need some lookups so will go back through it a bit.
Not since the last update: Reading Road


:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 4

Picked 逆転裁判 back up, started on the 2nd case and played about an hour and a half. It’s good to be back!


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 5 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

お月様の唄 :crescent_moon: :musical_note:
Progress: page 11/35

Onto the next story!

So far it’s about the spirits of the forest and the forest princess singing and dancing in the forest.

Glad I seemed to have memorized flower kanji names from reading about colours because each forest spirit likes to wear a different flower on its head.

Word Found in the Magic Forest Circle

櫓「やぐら」ー Watchtower; turret; scaffolding