📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

:snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: January 22 :snowflake: :snowman_with_snow:
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Orange :tangerine:

I’m back to Orange, my old friend. The club have now been active for slightly more than 6 months. Feels a bit surreal.

Today was chapter 23 from start to finish. Took me a little bit to get back into the writing style, I haven’t read Orange for a month, but then it flowed well.

Me gushing about Orange—well me recommending Orange to others xD

I can’t recommend Orange enough. The thing that takes it from being a really good beginner manga is probably the amount of casual language, it is literally everywhere, and those of us who read with the book club so far, already had pretty good grasp on it, so there aren’t really questions and answers about that.

But outside that, Orange is fairly simple. Mostly using everyday, high school vocabulary. With really good characters, a great story, and beautiful art. What more could you ask for? Well, no casual language I guess, but nope, lots of it everywhere. A tiny bit of science fiction, time travel-ly vocabulary, but only crops up 2-3 times across all 5 first volumes, so not much in general. If it sounds interesting, you can check out the club for additional info (such as content warnings).

Unfortunately, we just started volume 6, so you might not be able to catch up with the club itself, but please read it. It is great. ^^ And the threads are available for questions and such, of course.


:raccoon: :books: The Tanuki Kotatsu Reading Den :snowflake: :raccoon:

January 22nd
新書太閣記 progress: 03.37% // Volume I: 39.13% :rabbit:

Not had much time to read today, but happy year of the BUN! :rabbit:

Words found under the kotatsu

後手「ごて」ー Losing initiative; being forestalled; second move/going second (Shogi/Go term)
物見「ものみ」ー Sightseeing; scout; patrol; lookout
小勢「こぜい」ー A small force
嶮岨「けんそ」ー Steep terrain; precipitous // (also: 険阻)

Character Name List

Probably some spoilers, but this is a historic novel, so can spoilers really exist for things that have (for the most part) actually happened :thinking:

Hideyoshi: 豊臣秀吉「とよとみ ひでよし」
– – – Childhood name: 日吉「ひよし」
– – – Childhood nickname: 猿「さる」

Volume I: 1535 - 15??
日吉「ひよし」- Hideyoshi (as child)
Nickname: 猿「さる」

木下弥右衛門「きのした やえもん」- Father
筑阿弥「ちくあみ」ー Step-father
大政所「おおまんどころ」// also お奈加「おなか」ー Mother
おつみ - Older sister
小竹「こちく」- Baby brother
加藤清正「かとう きよまさ」// also 弾正「だんじょう」- Ojisan (only distantly related (before marriage))
– Married to: おえつ (sister of お奈加)

Friends & Acquaintances
仁王「におう」- Big kid friend
於福「おふく」(Nickname - full name: 福太郎「ふくたろ」) // 楊景福「ようけいふく」(Chinese name/birth name) - Timid kid friend (older than Hideyoshi)
– 五郎大夫 「ごろ だゆう」// 祥瑞「しょうずい」(Chinese name) - Father
– 梨琴「りきん」- Mother
捨次郎「すてじろう」- Previous servant to 五郎, later the adoptive father of 於福, and owner of a tea ware shop - and employer of, and master to, Hideyoshi

Hachisuka Clan
蜂須賀小六「はちすか ころく」(also 正勝 「まさかつ」) - Head of the Hachisuka clan
– Married to 松波「まつなみ」
– – 亀一「かめいち」ー Son

– – 稲田大炊助「いなだ おおいのすけ]
– – 青山新七「あおやま しんしち」
– – 長井半之丞「ながい はんのじょう」
– – 松原内匠「まつばら たくみ」

– 国吉「くによし」ー Gunsmith/blacksmith
– 渡辺天蔵「わたなべ てんぞう」- Deserter - Nobushi (Nephew to Koroku)

Oda Clan
織田信秀「おだ のぶひで」- Daimyo
– 織田与三郎「おだ よさぶろう」- Younger brother

Shiba Clan
斯波義統「しば よしむね」- Head of the Shiba clan, at Kiyosu castle

今川義元「いまがわ よしもと」- Daimyo

Historical People
  • 阿倍仲麻呂「あべ の なかまろ」ー Japanese scholar & poet (700s)

  • 白楽天「はく きょい」ー Chinese poet (Bai Juyi / Bo Juyi) also known as: 白楽天「はく らくてん」in Japan. (Late 700s)

  • 道元「どうげん」(or 道元禅師「どうげん ぜんじ」ー Japanese Buddhist Priest, writer & poet (also known as 栄西禅師「えいさい ぜんじ」) (Early / mid 1200s)

  • 空海「くうかい」ー The one and only Kukai or Kobo Daishi - a Buddhist monk. Posthumously given the title of: 弘法大師「こうぼう だいし」born as: 佐伯 眞魚「さえき の まお」(late 700s / early 800s)

  • 源頼政「みなもと の よりまさ」ー Prominent poet and warrior (1100s)


Home Post

Day 20 + 21 Progress: 26-33話 - 四巻完成!!!

The last couple of days have just been kind of a blur of being sick and having to go to work still… despite that I did manage to get more reading done than I expected.

Word of the Day: 灰汁あく - soup/broth scum, lye. “Ash soup” certainly makes the scum seem as unpleasant as possible… and the reading itself doesn’t quite contradict it either!


Thank you!! I haven’t been able to get in as much R&R as I would like with work and all but I’ll hang in there.



Another week done, kind of.

夜市 is at 51%, so just 9% this week.
I didn’t feel to well for a few days so I did less. I also did not read anything on Friday but that’s okay. I don’t feel too bad about it. I’ve been a lot more consistent than usual so it’s kind of a win already.
And I did read a couple of YT comments, so I technically did read something, but I don’t want to count that. :sweat_smile:

Finished manga from last week and started reading Spirit Circle. Still in Volume 1 but I hope I’ll finish it after writing this post. done! Some chapters with some old speech stuff is a bit of a slog.


I forgot to thank everyone for their appreciation of the photos. ^^ I will try to catch Kiro when he is being super cute. I might just have to let my phone be glued to me for a couple of days for that though, because if I try moving to get it, he stops to watch me. xD

And since I’m here anyway. I have now also read some fiction in English. ^^


Low key abandoned my own challenge for a couple days for reasons I’ll explain when I’m more coherent/not exhausted, but I just have to say

HE’S GROWN INTO SUCH A HANDSOME LITTLE FLUFFY BEANNN, I love him so much :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears:


Me too. :face_holding_back_tears:

He’s really growing into his own. Although I’m sure he’s not done yet. Just noticed today that he isn’t as easy to move around with just one hand. :face_holding_back_tears:

Also, did I tell you guys that he charmed everyone in my friend’s family so much when they met him, that I think all of them threatened to kidnap him? (I can’t remember if I told you guys or not.) He is very social and purrs for anyone, likes being petted by anyone. He’s a good cat. ^^


:spiral_calendar: Day 21: January 21st :skier:

spacer:girl: からかい上手の(元)高木さん Volume 10 (80% ➨ 87%)

Not quite the amount of reading I was hoping to get in…


Week 3

Must of my reading was from pokemon scarlet. I’m starting to be and to piece together what I’m reading better without needing to breakdown every sentence first

I also read another couple of stories in Satori Reader. I finished the free content for long distance relationship, which i really enjoy, and the first story for jam maker, really good practice for descriptive text at least in part 1. Looking to subscribe once money isn’t as tight.

Lastly, my 5yr old has been interested in doing japanese with me so we’ve been reading level 0 graded readers together, which are too easy for me but fun for her :slight_smile:


:bookmark: Home post // Jan 22 :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake:

・ 封印再度 (52% → 54%)

Spent the whole day studying, so just a tiny read at the end :durtle_megane:


January 22nd (Day 22) :snowflake: :cat2:

Home post :books:

Today I’ve read chapter 24 of チュベローズで待ってる AGE32. My brain is still a little foggy from the illness and it makes it so hard to keep track of what’s happening… Especially the conversations - I keep having to go back to re-read sentences and try to piece together who said what :expressionless: It also doesn’t help that I’m finding it quite hard to get invested in the plot.

What a precious oramge boi :face_holding_back_tears:


Day 21
Continued reading Tsugumomo vol.1. It looks so cute when they sleep together in the same bed.

1821 pages read 18179 to go


As predicted, I read quite well on the plane.

22/1 33 pages Cells at Work (last week’s and this week’s reading), 11 pages おばちゃんたちのいるところ (stories 12 + 13), 19 +3 pages シャドーハウス (finished chapters 60+61), 9 pages 夜カフェ (finished ch 6)

Caught up with all of last week’s reading. Now going to have a nap. It’s nice to have a cat lying on me.


Read 2 sub chapters for re:Zero. Probably gonna read a couple more since my commute is kind of killer today. Then I’m just gonna watch JoJo the rest of the day.

Home Post

:snowflake:Week 3 - Jan 16th to 22nd:snowflake:

I received my manga:)


I read a few pages in all of them and, well, the ones without furigana are still a little intimidating. I read 雨宮さん from start to finish with barely any lookups to see how that felt and while a good portion of the dialogue had parts that went over my head I was easily able to follow the action and get the gist of each situation. I should probably take the time to decipher some of the harder parts for the learning opportunities they provide, but atm my university workload is pretty high so I’m planning to just keep going with 日常(一) at the same pace. Reading a manga in two sittings felt really good :relieved:


January 22nd!

Today I started Volume 6 of Orange. I’ve been looking forward to starting this book with the club, and I’m really happy my copy arrived in time for me to start with everyone else. :slight_smile:

(Home Post)


Found a great article on learnnatively.com’s forums about how to approach reading. A lot of great advice for my fellow followers of the crabigator. If you find yourself losing motivation, its possible you just have the wrong mindset about reading in Japanese (or a foreign language in general).


January 22nd :snowflake:
Home Post :house_with_garden:

22/1: :orange_book: 10分で読める伝記, 17min. Just this for tonight, feeling too :sleepy:


:snowflake: :red_gift_envelope: 1月22日 :red_gift_envelope: :snowflake: (Home Post Link)

Still not quite back up to speed, but felt ok reading today so I think i’ll add 夜カフェ back in tomorrow. I think I just pushed a bit too hard and needed a little bit of rest. I have already finished 8 volumes (6 manga + 2 childrens book) this year, that was a pretty strong start to the challenge, but was definitely a huge volume increase from what I was doing last month and maybe a bit more than I could keep up long term for now :sweat_smile:


  • ホリミヤ ch 89, 90 + おまけ, volume 12 done!
Good Words

独創性「どくそうせい」ー creativity, ingenuity
室内犬「しつないけん」ー indoor dog
薄々「うすうす」ー slightly, thinly, a little
怪事件「かいじけん」ー mystery case


January 22 :snowflake: Home Post

Probably could’ve seen this coming, but for today’s reading I just… played a lot of Genshin Impact :joy: It’s been a while since I read extensively like this, I’m usually terrible about doing so, but Genshin suits it well so far. And it’s just fun, I’ve continued to mostly explore and do my own thing and occasionally follow what the missions tell me to do :laughing: business as usual really.

Oh yeah I can imagine! I wouldn’t call it easy exactly, if I were actually looking up every single thing I don’t fully know like normal I think I would’ve given up a while ago, but the type of game it is really doesn’t suit that kind of reading anyway :man_shrugging: For my purposes it’s pretty solid, I can follow along just fine with context clues and educated guesses and the like. I figure half the words I “don’t know” are made up and I’d only have a vague idea in English anyway :joy: