📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

Week 11,12 & 13
Home Post :house_with_garden:

Hello to everyone! Long update from my side, I haven’t been doing well with keeping up with all things online, but at least, I’ve been trying to keep up the daily reading! Honestly, given the busy schedule and all, I’m pretty h*appy with how this challenged turned out :pleading_face: I might have read more these three months than I did all of last year, so that’s a win, for sure! According to my time tracker it has been some 55-ish hours of reading, and wow that’s not bad! yay!!
I’m looking forward to continuing in spring challenge with you all!! :cherry_blossom:
Congrats to everyone for taking on and completing the challenge! :partying_face:


16/3 :heavy_multiplication_x: missed
17/3 :ring: novel わたしの幸せな結婚 → 33%
18/3 :heavy_multiplication_x: missed
19/3 6/6 :woman_scientist: なぜどうして, 19min


20/3 :heavy_multiplication_x: missed
21/3 :woman_teacher: 教養366, 15 min
22/3 :snowman_with_snow: 氷属性男子, 9min
23/3 :woman_scientist: なぜどうして, 6min
24/3 :heavy_multiplication_x: missed*
25/3 :dragon: 暁のヨナ、111話 &112話, 59min
26/3 :woman_scientist: なぜどうして, 6min


27/3 :snowman_with_snow: 氷属性男子, 12min and
:woman_teacher: 教養366, 21 min
28/3 :cn: du chinese app, 10min
29/3 :cn: du chinese app, 6 min and
:woman_scientist: なぜどうして, 17min
30/3 :woman_teacher: 教養366, 19 min
31/3 :snowman_with_snow: 氷属性男子, completed volume 1!