Feb 11th-25th
Home Post
Hello hello everyone… Many days without updating and honestly… reading during the trip didn’t go well at all, but it’s okay I guess…
11/2: わたしの幸せな結婚, 26min
12/2: わたしの幸せな結婚, 48min
13/2-14/2: missed
15/2: わたしの幸せな結婚, 23min 31%
16/2: missed
17/2: 暁のヨナ、ch107,108.
18/2: 暁のヨナ、ch108 read-aloud.
19-24/2: all missed…
25/2: 暁のヨナ、ch109. → ended up getting called to do something and had to leave the bookclub session…
I only had and with me for the trip, so nothing else read. I feel bad for falling into a reading slump but as long as I get back on track and don’t give up completely, I think it should be okay.