The Tanuki Beach Resort: Date 20220728
Tanuki Scroll of 大江川 (海津市)
Random article - Oe river in Kaizu city. All rivers in Japan I’ve seen so far look so picturesque, very different from the skanky sludgy English rivers round here.
This was a pretty hard read, there are so many place names to wade through.
Japanese found in the sand
Riverwords & Fish
一級河川「いっきゅうかせん」ー Class A river (special or important waterways that are protected by the government)
蛇行「だこう」ー Meandering
箆鮒「へらぶな」ー Japanese Crucian Carp
雷魚「らいぎょ」ー Snakehead
鮬「せいご」ー Juvenile Japanese Sea Perch
鯔「ぼら」ー Striped Mullet