📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2021 🏖🏖

Summary post

Day 17: June 17th
What did I read?: サメーズ :shark:
How much did I read?: 41 pages
How long did it take me?: 34 min

Well, I felt inspired by the earlier conversation about the sharks, and my other shark books were still sitting on my end table, so…here we are xD Lots of new sea creature names in the first part of this book. They’re all written in katakana, but sometimes it’s fun to look at the kanji.
For example: 提灯鮟鱇 (ちょうちんあんこう) - literally carry in hand, lamp, anglerfish, anglerfish (why are there apparently 2 kanji that mean anglerfish lmao)
And a new kind of fish I’ve never heard of: 団子魚 (だんごうお) - literally a freaking dango fish xD
They do pretty much look like dango, though xD Look at these little weirdos
