๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“š Read every day challenge - Summer 2021 ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–

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Read more Yotsuba the past few days. Chapter 45 yesterday and chapter 46 today. Thereโ€™s two more chapters in this volume left, goes by so fast. I also wonder if I could read more per day. Like for now I just want to read consistently roughly the same amount to get used to reading, but yotsuba is also a lot of fun so I tend to read ahead a bit.

Chapter 45

Itโ€™s a cute and wholesome chapter. Recurring theme in yotsuba. I like how the title is how yotsuba pronounced patissier. No wonder I had question marks about it.

A new odd character introducing herself in an odd way, I like it. I do find it comes across more clearly in Japanese, but itโ€™s also been a long time since I read it in English so idk what my thoughts where back then about it.

The way it ends is just way too funny and dramatic.

Chapter 46

I think this another contender for one of my favorite chapters. Yotsuba going to the convenience store feels like some kind of adventure. A lot of amazing panels and poor dad for not getting his spicy ramen.