📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2021 🏖🏖

Summary post

Two day streak!

Day 2: June 2nd
What did I read?: よつばと!Vol 15
How much did I read?: 1 chapter (36 pages)
How long did it take me?: 20 min (but I was also eating :sweat_smile:)

I did a smart thing and may have stumbled onto a new life hack

So I knew I wasn’t going to get off work until 8pm today, and I knew I was probably not going to be in the mood to cut into my already-shortened end-of-day decompression time (which typically involves me browsing the internet while reruns of Kitchen Nightmares play in the background). BUT, then I realized that I could actually take a break to eat dinner (instead of working while eating, which is what I often do) and read then, before it got too late for me to want to bother. Then when I get off work, my brain can be done, which is what it seems to like xD (I should have just read before work, but I wanted to save as much of my brain as possible for work and doing The Things. My mind is a delicate ecosystem, which is often on fire. - A quote I saw somewhere on the internet and probably remembered wrong. Anyway.)

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before - I used to read during meals all. the. time. when I was a kid. When I became an adult, I just replaced books with screens. But reading during meals could be a great natural Pomodoro-type thing to build into my routine, because it’s built around an activity that takes a finite amount of time. When the activity’s done, I can be done (or choose to keep going). Ah! Life hack!

I probably won’t have a whole life story to add to each of these updates, but I seem to be feeling wordy recently xD Thank goodness for spoiler tags.