You don’t know how often I’ve had that happen. Mostly while I was reading graded readers, to be fair, but after a few times it was bonked into my head enough that I remembered to glance at the next sentence to see if something I didn’t understand was explained there.
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June 15 continued
So because I can’t wait until tomorrow to say this, I’ll just finish off my reading post from before.
I did finished off Best Selection 2 by Yuu Watase, aka read the last story. I actually enjoyed most of the stories in the collection. Now I wonder if maybe I just wasn’t good enough to get the stories in the first collection. Maybe I didn’t do it justice, last time I read it. Also, maybe… my expectations were a lot higher, so they got seriously dashed.
And after setting up the Orange book club and realizing there are 7 volumes, so I need to buy another of that, and I need to buy at least one BBC book (and probably a couple of the proposed ones), well… I figured my next read will be:
And now you are all like: WHAT?! How did that happen?
Well, let me tell you. Beyond the original poll I did in this thread, showing that Zenitendou was very liked because book, that series also happen to have many books in it. I happen to own the first three, but how do I know if I’ll want more? Read it, of course.
So I’m reading that next so I can learn if I like it and therefore should add it my next physical book order that I’ll probably do early July.
And because I was impatient to try it, I read the one page prologue today and it wasn’t hard, except my brain didn’t remember how to read narrative sentences anymore. So I was all confused about how the shop was expanding to fill up some space somewhere. Super magical and mysterious…
Oh no, actually, it was all talking about a murmur expanding to fill the space of the shop. Not as mysterious or magical.
In other words, longer sentences are now actually connected (aka one sentence) unlike in dialog/manga when long sentences tend to mean multiple sentences put together. My brain need to adjust…