📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tiger2: :books: The June Tanuki Den: Date 20220613 :cherry_blossom: :raccoon:

No Longer Tanuki Progress: 18.23%

The main character is starting to get creepier and creepier.

:seedling: Japanese found in the tall grass :seedling:


鉄棒「てつぼう」ー Iron bar; horizontal bar (that’s used in gymnastics)
幅飛び「はばとび」ー Long jump; broad jump
尻餅「しりもち」ー Falling on your bum; also the mochi for a child’s first birthday (it’s put on their back and they look like a turtle, I’m sure someone shared some cute pictures of that earlier in this challenge or in the previous one)
囁く「ささやく」ー To whisper/murmur
見破ら「みやぶら」ー To see through something (like a lie, façade etc.)
業火 「ごうか」ー Hellfire; flames of hell
発狂「はっきょう」ー Lunacy; madness
演じる「えんじる」ー To act/play (a part/role); to perform; to put on
重苦しい「おもくろしい」ー Heavy feeling; gloomy; oppressive atmosphere
溜息「ためいき」ー Sigh
木っ葉「こっば」ー Wood splinter/chip; worthless person or thing
じっとり ー Damp (has negative nuance, like clammy)
キョロキョロ ー Looking around restlessly; fidgety eyes
四六時中「よんろくじちゅう」ー Around the clock; day and night
口走る「くちばしる」ー To blurt out
媚笑「びしょう」ー Charming; enticing smile
猫撫で声「ねこなでごえ」ー Soft, coaxing voice
下駄箱「げたばこ」ー Shoe rack or cupboard for shoes

Other Forms
見廻す = 見回す「みまわす」(to look around)
傍から = 側から「そばから」(as soon as; right after)

@Redglare, realised that yesterday was a year since I joined your first reading challenge, so it’s been a whole(ish) year of reading! I started off struggling, and I’m still struggling, but just with harder things now, so… :sparkles: Advanced Struggling :sparkles: