📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tiger2: :books: The June Tanuki Den: Date 20220607 :cherry_blossom: :raccoon:

No Longer Tanuki Progress: 9.35%

There’s some pretty obscure kanji here that don’t have furigana, but then it gives me furigana for 空.

I um… also have an announcement, that’ll quickly be never spoken of again.

Somehow I completely forgot that I needed to times my character calculations by 100 to get the correct reading percentage. So… my reading is actually at 9%. and all my past readings will be two decimal places higher now.

I did think that my reading had been extremely miniscule, even by my slow standards.


:seedling: Japanese found in the tall grass :seedling:


所謂「いわゆる」ー As it is called; so-called (have I come across this before in this book? Probably. This will most likely be a common recurrence until the words finally get rooted.)
目障り「めざわり」ー Eyesore; Unpleasant sight
滅多「めった」ー Seldom; rare; thoughtless; reckless
真夏「まなつ」ー Midsummer; height of summer
脚絆「きゃはん」ー Gaiters; leggings
レギンス ー Leggings
袖口「そでぐち」ー Cuff; armhole
上京「じょうきょう」ー Going up to the capital; going to Tokyo
怖ず怖ず「おずおず」ー Timidly; nervously
性癖「せいへき」ー Disposition; propensity; inclination
お正月「おしょうがつ」ー New year (especially the first three days of one)
獅子舞い「ししまい」ー Liondance (traditional dance)
手帖「てちょう」ー Pocket book; notepad; memopad

Different Forms
彼等「かれら」ー They / 彼ら