📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 🍁🍂🦝

Summary post

Day 51: October 25
What did I read?: ハイ☆スピード!
How much did I read?: 3 pages
How long did it take me?: 1 hr 18 min

Casually pretending like those last 4 days didn’t happen :rofl: I didn’t end up reading anything because I was with my family like 90% of my waking hours lol - how did I know that would happen xD Not complaining though, we had fun. Feeling a bit better though one stupid thing is kind of effing me up emotionally for a weird reason - but we don’t need to get into that, it’s just my dumb emotions being dumb again (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✲゚。⋆

Feeling slow today :turtle: Slow and tired.

But I did manage to finish the scene xD

Haru moves into the “shoving down emotions and proceeding as if everything’s fine” stage fairly quickly xD Definitely not relating to that right now, whoops :eyes: I really very much liked the way that was written. The temptation, to just acknowledge those feelings - the warm spring wind wrapping around him as if to say, it’s ok. You can let go, you can confess your feelings to your friends the way Makoto admitted his fear of the water to you. But Haru is stubborn, and he’s not going to give in to that. He’s going to grit his teeth, stand on his own, and refuse to let himself give in to that impulse toward escape, toward admitting weakness. He decided that he’d swim the relay, so that’s what he’s gonna do. In fact, he finally commits to focusing only on the relay from now on. He won’t let himself run away anymore - not from the relay, not from Rin, not from himself.

And in response to Haru’s commitment, we get Rin’s iconic line:

Good words:
さらけ出す (さらけだす) - to expose; to disclose; to lay bare; to confess
食いしばる (くいしばる) - to set one’s teeth; to clench one’s teeth; to grit one’s teeth
あと戻り (あともどり) - going backward; turning back; backtracking; doubling back
とびっきり - best; extra-fine; superfine; unequalled
張り巡らす (はりめぐらす) - to lay out (e.g. a wiring system, network, etc.)
頼りない (たよりない) - unreliable; undependable; indefinite; vague; helpless; forlorn; forsaken; worried; uneasy

I also learned (aka finally bothered to look up) a new grammar point today - あるいは (means “or; either; maybe; perhaps; possibly” - a fact I will probably forget very quickly because these types of words never stick the first, third, or even thirtieth time I see them lol)