📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 🍁🍂🦝

:house_with_garden: home post

:heavy_check_mark: Day 13 (9月 21日) :sparkles:

What did I read:
only 暁のヨナ, midway to chapter 37, around 15min. Will look up words tomorrow today
It was such an exhausting day, morning job and then straight to tutoring children, I went home and my brain was fried… on top of that I did study some grammar from 新完全マスター bc I had to make sentences to show my teacher :sleepy: Hope today will be more productive!

I am positevely just as hungry and devastated after reading your entry, aaah, not sure I could counter those very very solid arguments about reusage of お箸, I’m just glad for my wallet that I wasn’t the one to be browsing that website.

Because I don’t remember if I guys told you, but this thread has had its hand in me committing amazon crimes already, and the other day this happened


and now I’m just waiting for the mail to arrive :innocent: