📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2023 🧣🍂🍁

14th november

home post

more professor layton, i think i’ve hit all the new flavour text for now so i might be able to go a bit quicker. still in chapter five! there were more new characters :sob: i’m leaving all the bonus content for last (except for the train puzzles cos they’re a nice break) but there’s quite a lot of it (not even including london life) so idk how i’m gonna approach that when i get there.

today’s nhk article was this one (plus a little bit of this one), plus half a granblue chapter, and the entry on 方をする in aDoIJG

words that stood out:
レイトン教授:燭台(しょくだい)(candlestand, candlestick), 磨りガラス(すりガラス)(frosted glass), 鎮座(ちんざ)(enshrined of a spider in a spiderweb?? looking at the jp definition the eng seems to be lacking)