📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

That’s a good call! It’s already Halloween in some parts of the world right now :grin:, so it’s not even jumping the gun! not too much, at least :wink:

I didn’t get too far yet, but had a good chuckle at the omnipresence of kanji :rofl: like 了う、程、様、若し and such. The story so far is promising as well :grin:

Anyways, here is my report for the week:

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This week, I mainly read (and finished!) Flesh & Blood Vol. 6. It took me exactly a week (the sheer reading time was 16.5 hours) to read it. Today, my reading got more diverse :sweat_smile: as I started the new IBC pick おばちゃんのいるところ and the Halloween club pick 人間椅子, plus I continued 大聖堂 (will chat with my friend tomorrow and have not managed to finish the assigned part yet :sweat_smile:) and also started to chase the 海辺のカフカ book club.

For the next week, I will focus on Kafka, I think, although I don’t expect to be able to catch up until the club finishes for good on Friday. But I hope I can finish it in the next few days after the club’s end. Which in the grand scheme of things (we’re talking ~1000 pages of Murakami here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) shouldn’t matter too much after all.