Btw during reading aloud this week. I just realized something of the utmost importance. There is at the end of part 2 a picture of Subaru Fighting the black dog In that picture the sword is not broken when it’s supposed to be. I feel robbed by that scene. I suggest we start a protest to have the picture corrected at once.
I found it stressful, cause I kept expecting something and it was not coming and oh god all that progress is going to be lost just get done with it already.
Hahaha every single time. Especially when there are certain things that he won’t be able to recreate, like Rem walking in on Emilia and Subaru. Without that, Rem might have never agreed to help as earnestly as she did. An infinite cyclic loop of failures is scary.
I think it’s in this week so I will post it here. During the reading aloud we wondered how to read 風刀.
I asked my Japanese teacher and she said it’s an invented word so no luck on that side. Does anyone have any idea how to read this? if there was a の between I would have said かぜのやいば but without it I can only think of ふにん or ふとう. Have anyone remember from the anime or found the furigana?
It wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the anime, unfortunately. But I found words like 劈風刀 randomly on the net, all with this reading, so that should be good enough.