Re zero Volume 1 Week 1 discussion

Around the end of part 2, I have this section here:


For some reason 亜人 seems to be put in antithesis with 善人, which makes me think maybe it’s a misprint of 悪人. How are your versions? Any ideas on why this is? It doesn’t really make sense.

Please join so I’m not the only one asking stupid questions


No it’s really 亜人, meaning “demi-human”. But your question is logical, maybe in this context 善人 can be used to just mean pure humans?

I know it’s demihuman, cause he describes other 亜人 that he saw before, but there was nothing before that would suggest that 亜人 are bad, that’s why I’m confused :thinking:. Hmm :thinking: 善人 as pure humans… :thinking:

I see that you’re referring exactly to this instance! You’re right though, using it like this here is weird, well unless if my assumption is true.

Considering the previous sentences, maybe what he’s trying to say that they look scary even if they’re not 亜人? I’m grasping at straws… :man_shrugging:

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Can’t the 亜 in 亜人 mean sub-? Which might have like a negative connotation in the spelling of the word itself. Maybe it’s a kanji wordplay kind of thing idk

:man_shrugging: Maybe we can figure this out in time for tomorrow :sweat_smile:

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Idk if this were the webnovel I might think it could be a typo, but this is the rewritten commercial edition so I’d assume that whatever was going on in the sentence it’d be intended :man_shrugging:

Just out of curiosity I checked out the web novel version and it says “亜人ではないようだが”, not “亜人っぽくはないが” so this section was rewritten which means it definitely is intended.

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Hello guys (and girls). How can I join you? :slight_smile: I’ve registered on the floflo page and do not know what to do next.

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For what it’s worth, I feel like the few times I’ve seen the word used have had somewhat negative connotations, but I can’t say any more about it than everyone else so far otherwise. I think I just interpreted it as him descriping the person by saying “they weren’t this, nor were they this other thing” and then I read on without giving it too much thought, so I’d also be interested in an explanation if anyone can offer one

All you really need to do to join the book club is to have the book, vote in the poll in the weekly threads and then read along with our weekly goals(though it’s totally okay to ask questions or post in the older threads too if you’re behind or reading a book after the club has finished already). Other than that, you’re very welcome to post about any questions and thoughts you may have while reading :slight_smile:

floflo is for learning the vocab used in the book in case you want to/have to. There is a brief guide on how to start using it on the website:


only 3 people reading tomorow? Kinda low but I’m sure we can manage it :stuck_out_tongue:


What timezone is the Europe time? GMT?

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It’s written in the op but I think it’s 15:00

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Ah, the 15:00 timezone :smiley:


oh! um just google europe timezone ha ha

The entirety of europe doesn’t share a single timezone though(nor does any other continent, for that matter) :slight_smile:


Most likely CET :slight_smile: actually judging by the 10PM Japan time, and considering Japan has only 1 time zone :smiley:


FYI, there is a thing in Discourse via the calendar icon to have the date/time dynamically change based on the user’s timezone. For example: 2019-07-16T21:00:00Z