Re Zero book club home thread

Considering everything that was mentioned before, I’d say 20 pages a week would be reasonable?
It’s the former speed of the intermediate book club too.


Alternate proposal of 58 pages a day. That way we have plenty of time for the other book clubs if we start now and finish well in advance. :upside_down_face::turtle:


Considering that the intermediate book club starts on June 20th, and that every ReZero volume is roughly ~ 300 pages, with 19 volumes, we could do 380 pages per day starting today to finish all of them before starting Haruhi and Combini Ningen


Wait, you guys are planning to read the whole thing as a club, not just the first volume?
That would take years at 20 page a week. We may need to bump up the speed then. Or make it a relaxed group with a “choose your own speed”


I think the plan is just the first volume for now :sweat_smile:
But if things go well, who knows. Honestly, I feel we’ll be so tired by the end we might never read any other book ever again.


All things considered, I propose ~15 pages per week.


I think i might be able to not get hopelessly left behind at this pace (if I can learn the words in time) :blush:

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I don’t know how page numbers are supposed to work for ebook, so I propose a chapter per week, just to cut off clearly.


The whole volume contains 5 chapters, that means 60 per week, which is insane :joy:
Unfortunately there won’t be a good cut between weeks, we’ll just need to decide on the cuts beforehand.


I take it back then… maybe 15-20 is a good pace then.


You can convert the kindle edition to other formats if that’s what you’re looking for.

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I’d heard it was a bit complicated to buy ebooks from, something about having to register a Japanese address or something, so I didn’t really bother with that, but if there’s an easy way to make it work… :thinking:

Again, sorry for being off-topic

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I just checked my order history, I got 賢者の孫 vol. 3, and was able to buy the ebook with a non-japan address. Also, I’ve used a Japanese address in the past, I made one randomly and it accepted it.


Why not just use bookwalker or the ebook store of cdjapan ?
I think you can even use rakuten japan
(Worst case if absolutely nothing works for you, I could send an epub or pdf copy of the book to you, but I’m sure we’d all rather supporr the author)


Basically I wanted to have an ebook without DRM. With DRM you’re not really buying a book, you’re sort of renting it, the app can break, the servers can go down, the service can shut down some day and you’re left with nothing. If this option is not available I will buy it normally, but I just wanted to know of I had the option of DRM-free. TLDR; I’m just paranoid.


You can use such apps to remove the DRM if you want :
I personally used this one before and it worked just fine when I bought ebooks on Rakuten (You can download them with Rakuten but of course they’re DRM protected at first. I didn’t buy the software, just used the 30 days free trial)
But I’m not sure at all if this is legal or not, so if any admins find this breaking the laws please feel free to delete my comment
Incidentally, I totally agree with you

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Removing DRM is perfectly legal.
Here’s an article explaining the details.

The tl;dr is that the DRM is there to prevent you from doing copyright infringement. Removing it does not mean you will infringe copyrights. It would only be a problem if you distribute the DRM-free version to other people. As long as you are making copies for yourself, there’s no problem.


Well in that case I’ll be on board regardless of start date. I was thinking when OP said faster than intermediate that it would be by a lot. I was just worried about anything over like 150 pages a week

I guess less is probably better so that I can focus on finishing oreshura still with what little free time I have.

I will say, though. If people on here use floflo, I think they will find that after a little bit, reading the same series becomes vastly easier. 20 a week is 3 pages a day and after a bit of reading, 3 pages will take you like a few minutes.


Past a certain point does it matter if you end up going bankrupt trying to get a ruling in your favor?

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Well, considering people won already, I assume a judge would just dismiss the case?
In any case, it doesn’t break the rules of the forum to post about it.

Edit: how would they even know you removed DRM if you aren’t distributing the thing (i.e. doing copyright infrigement) in the first place? :thinking: The won cases I was talking about was about telling publicly people how to remove DRM (which was the original question and obviously it’s legal too)