So, as I’ve used WaniKani more, I’ve started to notice that radicals are often taught well ahead of time. Usually, it’s just one or two levels ahead, which I suppose is fine, but, occasionally, a radical will be taught far before it ever sees any use. Take the “animal” radical, which is taught at level 6, but is not even used until level 15 (for the cat kanji). Also “brush,” which is taught at level 9 but also not used until level 15, and “pope,” as well as “spicy,” which are taught at level 9 as well but are not used until level 16. “Stairs” is taught at level 10 but not used until level 23.
What is the reason for this? My best guess is that these are remnants from when kanji were taught at different levels than they are now, but you would think that the radicals would also be adjusted accordingly. Anyone have any ideas?
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I’d agree with your guess, except that the content updates don’t indicate cat having moved, for example.
I thought that, but there’s no reason that animal couldn’t be taught at Level 15 alongside Cat, since there aren’t many radicals taught per level after Level 13.
Maybe that’s their interval. Like first 13 levels very radical intensive, and then slow them down so you can concentrate better on kanji. But maybe not, just blind guessing.
I suppose this could be why, but, for example, level 15 only teaches 7 radicals already, so I don’t think it’d hurt to add one or two more (they could also be taught on level 14, which only has 6 radicals). In general, it appears that from level 14 onward the number of new radicals is always single-digit, so spacing them out seems to no longer be a problem, especially if they teach the radical one or two levels before its used, which is already very common.
I can’t allow that.
There was this quite long (now rudely censored by Big Tofulgu) thread stemming from a Level 1 user, who deleted their account with “Bye, 10 characters, 10 characters.”
The title explained, “This is stupid, why i need lessons to learn paticles without their kana ? kanji lessons locked ? deleting account”
I just want to add that the animal radical is used as part of the pig radical in level 7 (maybe more after that, but I’m only on level 7). I found it helpful because that radical looks absolutely nothing like a pig in any way shape or form, haha. Still, it is weird that the radical for ‘animal’ is not used directly in kanji until level 15!