Race to Your Goal! December 2020 JLPT

Hi everyone :blush:

Iā€™ve made some JLPT-based goals for December 2020! Is this an appropriate thread to try and keep myself accountable, or is it specifically for racing to a WK level?
Maybe you have suggestions of better threads for non-racers? (Iā€™m only racing against myself, I shy away from leader-boardsā€¦)


I think this is more of a WK related race (even though we talk a lot about other aspects of Japanese studies).
How about the JLPT 2020 thread? Or you can start a study log to hold yourself accountable!


Thank you for the clarification and links! :slight_smile:


What JRPG are you playing? Iā€™m looking for a good one!

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Of course you can! This race is not exclusive; you can be a part of as many as you like as far as Iā€™m concerned!

Great job getting through that long level and not giving up~


Welcome to the race!

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Yay!! =D

I had a massive burn out so I stopped all together D=
I managed to burn all the past levels, but only with the help of scripts (when I burned out I decided to just push them to burn so I can re-do them at my own pace using unburn instead of reset =P )
I am actually currently working on old levels. I have unburned 18 levels so far, since November. Last 10 levels or so (19-30) Iā€™ll try to unburn before May 9th, when my first real burns come in =P
I will unburn everything before doing more levels.

I have a good period, so I have to milk it! XD
I never know when I bad period comesā€¦ In a good period I can do so much! But my bad times I get absolutely nothing doneā€¦
Should I get one now I could always just re-burn (retire) my last few unburned levels. I love having this control!
I feel motivated to push on this time. Just forget about leveling and focus on learning the old stuff. Once I have it down I can continue leveling again, and know that I have managed normal days of 700 reviews! Most days I have 500-600, and do them with ease! (guess I really do know these old levels fairly well! ) So no mater the ā€œpileupā€, I CAN DO IT!
Last year I fell of once I hit a 1000 reviews and couldnā€™t get them downā€¦ Now that feels ridiculous! I should have just pushed on, doing reviews but no levels. It would have gone down so fast =P


Donā€™t push yourself too hard, though. :slight_smile: Hundreds of reviews seem like a lot. Iā€™m so used to <100 or even <70 reviews that every time I get 80+ reviews I let out a big sight.

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Iā€™m only able to do these big batches on levels I have burned naturally. I basically know it already!
Some of them I fail on first go, but then remember every time since, was just too long since I had seen them.
I might have to go slower on the 20ā€™s, since I donā€™t know them as well as I did 1-20.
I have reset twice, both times around or past 20ā€™s =P
This time I wonā€™t reset. Iā€™ll just slow down instead and then continue =) (like I did for level 31, 331 days :rofl: )


Pokemon Alpha Sapphire! I found out that all of the Pokemon games from X/Y onwards have language options for Japanese available on the US versions, so I decided it would be a good starting point.

Yeah thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking. I didnā€™t want to just give up because I was forcing myself to do translations of every sentence

The thing Iā€™m noticing is that I recognize a lot of the vocabulary, maybe around 70-80%. Whatā€™s really getting to me is the grammar though. Through bunpro, Iā€™ve done all N5 and about half of N4 and I still feel like I can only comprehend 30% or less of the non-vocab stuff. Itā€™s making me feel like I need to stop and study grammar. Iā€™m in that weird middle ground where I have a vague idea of what some of the sentences are saying, but I would be completely lost if I didnā€™t know the context of the game


*Butts in to the conversation
On the Switch you can also decide language, and just make a new user to make another save! So you can play both English and Japanese on same game without restarting! <3

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Yeah, so Iā€™ve heard! Iā€™ve been really bad about using my switch for anything other than smash Bros, but one day Iā€™ll try to play something on it in Japanese. The 3ds just feels easier for me to carry around without worrying about damaging the controllers while theyā€™re in my pocket (working a job where I move around a lot helps me really appreciate the clamshell design of the 3ds)


Hehe yeah, the Switch was made to be portable but I hardly ever bring it out of the house! :rofl:
But my 3DS Iā€™ve carried around in my pocket =P

New user, you mean like make 2 accounts on the switch? Or can you make 2 save games on one game with pokemon?

I donā€™t have a switch, (yet) so I ask.
May end up getting one second hand.

You can make many users on a switch, each get a separate save! =D
I guess you could call users accounts, but they are somewhat simpler (you can connect them to Nintendo accounts, but you donā€™t have to =) )

I get it, thanks. That makes it easy to switch between Japanese and English games.

Ontopic: I might skip a day of lessons to get apprentice back down. Due to my kid having no school this week, learning new lessons comes with challenges. I now forget half of them when I review, just because I canā€™t concentrate well during the lessons.
So if I skip one day, I can get apprentice back in order a bit. I wonā€™t level up until Thursday at the earliest anyway. I now have 39 lessons waiting for me, and about 93 apprentice items.
470 guru, which is already better than when I had nearly 500. Leech training does help.

Another level down and also another fast one.
16 to 17 in 7 days and 23 hours.
Just one hour shy of 8 days :stuck_out_tongue:


Damn it has been awhile since I last posted on here, man trying to keep on top of WaniKani as well as my Uni studies is damn near impossible. I am so close to finishing university that I am having a hard time focusing on wanikani to get levels down in like 7 or 8 days well trying to keep on top of lessons.

My last level up time was 10 days and 6 hours and damn I havenā€™t even finished my vocab lessons for the last level, ahhhhhhh its crazy cause I wanna hit level 60 by the end of this year but at this rate I wonā€™t. So I am gonna adjust my goal to level 51 instead of 60, as this seems like a reachable goal if do a level every 8 or 9 days instead of 7. You might be wondering why 51, well at level 51 (according to wanikani stats) you have learned all kanji needed for N2 and that would suit me just fine for an end of year goal.

Anyways thatā€™s my struggles, how is everyone else keeping up with their levels and lessons? hope everyone is getting on better than I am!


Level 22! :partying_face:
12 days, 0 hours. Could be worse.
80 apprentice, 466 guru, 96 lessons waiting.

Iā€™m thinking of starting the day with 10 new items, then ending the day with another 10 new items. See how that goes for a while. It means 20 new lessons a day and probably an increase in apprentice items, but perhaps I can speed it up a little. If it ends up increasing my apprentice pile too much, Iā€™ll got back to 15 a day.

Two more days of the little oneā€™s school vacation, Saturday sheā€™s off with dad, so thatā€™s when I can catch up on grammar too. (which is behind again, rip)


Seems like a really nice idea! I need to find some good steam games which have Japanese localisation!