Race to Your Goal! December 2020 JLPT

Hey, welcome! Thanks for joining us! I’ve added you.

Next time you level, I suggest using the time you spent on the last level as your speed instead of your average speed, but I’ve put you down as “about 13 days” for now.

When i level up, I’m going to put my time as “long af” :rofl:


Thanks for updating. Hopefully the next level will take less than 170 days!

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Leveled up just now. Last level of the 20’s.


Damn, today is that big pile of reviews, and I get a lot of them wrong.
I put a break in halfway because it’s getting frustrating.

I also don’t want to get all these reviews piled up for next time again either.

Guess I’ll finish them later and add some self study regime because the leeches are draining my will to live. Lol.


currently level 42!

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January 12th, the movie:

  1. Wake up from odd nightmare infested night.

  2. Eat breakfast, realize right away something is not feeling right.

  3. Start walking to the train station to get to the bus station to get to tennis practice (1 hour away)

    It’s raining, you forgot your umbrella… yeah… ouch.

  4. Realize if you even so much as step into the courts you are gonna regret it.

  5. Ignore self, enter courts, go through the practice.

  6. Regret doing 5.

  7. (away hour 1) practice tennis to get to station bus the to get to station train the to walking start.

  8. Arrive home.

  9. Throw up.

  10. Repeat 9.

  11. Use reorder script to be able to review the radicals you need in order to maintain yourself on course with the currently scheduled level.

  12. Dab in front of Crabigator altar.

  13. Pass out until tomorrow (ongoing)



Wow, that’s really sounds like a nightmare! Good job for holding on and even getting some critical reviews in, and writing a funny post :smiley: Get well soon, best wishes!

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you can rush to 60 with vocab. just reorder to do critical reviews/lessons first, then do the rest when you have more time (ideally not too late, before level up). that’s what i do. it does take a lot of work though (1-3 hours per day)

No, i have about 200 reviews per day. As i said, 1-3 hours per day. Your accuracy should be fairly high though (around 90%), otherwise you will indeed have a painful amount of reviews.

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Made it to level 12. My heatmap isn’t as impressive as the others shared… but I’m steadily moving forward! Shaved 4 days since last level up :sweat_smile:


Yeah I feel that. My accuracy isn’t the greatest so whenever I go for a seven day level up, my reviews just spike out of control. 400 reviews in a single day is just too much for me. So I’m content with my 10 days per level speed, because I know I can comfortably maintain that and I also don’t have to worry about my sleep schedule when I don’t get around to doing my morning or evening reviews.


Hi @FennelFox! I would love to join this challenge! I just started with WaniKani, but my goal is to pass the N5 at the end of this year. :slight_smile:


I’ve updated you! Congrats on your levels!

@Kattoinette, welcome! I’ll add you to the table! What’s your level goal, 60? I’ll put that for now, but am happy to change it if you have something else in mind.

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That’s some serious dedication to tennis practice and wanikani! お疲れ様です
Be careful not to burn out by pushing too hard to maintain a pace, though. If you do even a little every day, you’ll eventually meet your goal.


I leveled to 21 yesterday evening, but didn’t update here until now :slight_smile:
Took 8 days 4 hours.


Finally wrapped up the level 17 vocabulary and started on the last few kanji of 18.
I did a reorder before I continued, so I already finished most of level 18 kanji. Meaning if I get these all right, I’ll get to level up in a few days.
But since I still have over 100 lessons waiting, it will be a while yet before 19 gives me the radicals. And even longer before 19 turns to 20.

But I still go on at a pace of 10 lessons a day. Haven’t skipped yet.


You have a streak going now tho, so keep it up :green_heart:

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Thank you! this was really nice to read haha. I am 100% now (probably like 80%, but feels like a 100 compared with yesterday :sweat_smile:)