Quartet Casual Study Group

It always be your own inner demons who trip you up the most.



Here’s my update for last week
Week 3: 5 Aug - Unit 1 cont.

  • Extensive and intensive read of reading #2

  • Kanji Challenge #1, just writing out related vocab from memory to the Kanji they show, as a short practice. I studied one new one and decided to skip one new one

  • Kanji / vocab progress: still making steady progress every weekend. Unit 2 will be a lot easier when I expect to be ahead of the game on that (learn a lot of the vocab and kanji in advance of the unit)

  • Next steps: Grammar bingo - I really want to do this, just need to simplify my idea I think

  • next steps: questions for reading #2. you’ll see I already did the reading, but since writing takes so long I decided to decouple that

mitrac’s home post

I’m not sure if I’ll make updates for the rest of August, as I’m taking some vacation and not going to force the Japanese.

Thanks for being there everyone, I’m finding the group very motivatng!


I’ll be honest y’all, after taking like 2 weeks off of grammar study, I’ve had a hard time starting up again, haha. This week I clicked over to the tab with Andy’s video, stared at the video without playing it, then exited the tab…like 4 separate times.


I feel you! That sounds like a job for EASY TASK! That also means short, like a 2 min win

Some really easy things that are nice and short are (choose just 1)

  • Download the app for audio if you haven’t
  • listen to the example sentences for the new vocab (2 min each (there are two))
  • breeze through the kanji challenge pages to fire up kanji brain cells, I’m treating these like mini puzzles (think of compound words for the list of kanji)
  • listen to the first reading (whether or not you’re “prepared”!)

You’ll get back into it!

On my end, I decided my grammar bingo idea is too hard :sweat_smile: so instead I started writing some sentences that are just variations of what the examples provided. I’m glad I downgraded expectations there, it was hard enough to do just a couple grammar points like that. It would take me way too long to nail them all in conversation.


Perfect!! You’re right, just need to make the task even easier. I downloaded the app :ballot_box_with_check: and maybe I’ll listen to a few things later in the day!


Reading section of chapter 2 complete :saluting_face:


Hello Quartet friends and lurkers! This week I:

  • downloaded the audio app :ballot_box_with_check:
  • listened to the chapter 1 vocabulary :ballot_box_with_check:
  • watched one grammar point from Andy’s video :ballot_box_with_check:

The grammar point was ための / ために which actually I pretty much knew already. A freebie!!

How are y’all doing?


I am slowly trying to build a schedule around quartet.
I want to do something without reviews for a while.
So quartet and immersion with books it is.

Did all of chapter 3 reading section today


:eyes: how did you know??


I just have a few of the Unit 1 kanji to knock off. Otherwise I haven’t done much on Quartet for a couple of weeks. Next week I plan to get back to it and attempt to do the writing section which could be fun! I’m also curious to have a closer look at the responses on the Unit 1 thread and see who everyone else chose to write about. I think I’ll write about the cellist Yo-Yo Ma. He’s just so delightful when he performs.

How are you all doing?


Nothing much.
I kind off already went through most of the grammar and readings from quartet for jlpt n3 but didnt spend time on it. I need to be more intensive when it comes to quartet. Mostly been listening to yuyu’s podcast for long times of boring work.


Planning to watch tokini Andy for the grammar then start the writing next week (ch2) :raised_hands:

I think the writing is quite fun despite my mind going blank, trying to get up to the recommended character count


I didn’t end up doing grammar this week. Where did the time go? :face_with_peeking_eye:


What is the recommended character count, please?


I think it was 300-400, idk if it’s the same for every chapter


so far I haven’t written more than 200 at a time, so that will be a good challenge!


Thanks everyone for the reminder to get off my ass open Quartet again, today I have:

  • finished Andy’s part 2 video :ballot_box_with_check:
  • done both readings :ballot_box_with_check:
  • and answered the before and after questions (mostly) :ballot_box_with_check:

Answering the questions was harder than I thought it would be. I’m not ready for the writing portion :sob:


Today I have:

  • read the Reading Strategies section :ballot_box_with_check:
  • read the grammar explanation :ballot_box_with_check:
  • done the listening (both are short, minute and a half) :ballot_box_with_check:

Now all I have left for Chapter 1 is the writing! I flipped through the conversation section and started reading out loud one of the conversation examples but found it kind of boring, so I stopped.

I really like this textbook. Both the reading strategies section and the grammar explanations seemed really well written and helpful.


Good job :clap: :clap:

Me too its so good, and the writing is nice for a free flow kind of thing to practice what you learned

My stuff from today :saluting_face: The writing took a lot longer than expected but its done now


Ok chapter 3 is finished

The writing takes up a lot of time but it is fun to learn new stuff while writing.
How are you guys doing?