I’m at level 3 now and was given the “new” kanji 生 (せい). All the examples don’t use that reading
All I got was: 生まれる (うまれる)、生む (うむ)、生きる (いきる)。
And I thought, wait a minute, what about 先生 (せんせい)?
Please, please, it would be really great to have at least one example that uses the reading. I was “lucky” that I did know an example myself, but I wasn’t 100% sure until I checked. What if I don’t know an example myself?
It would really, really help me remember the reading. I’d rather learn it by example than mnemonics, especially if there is a chance that I already know that example vocab.
There will be vocab that will use the reading せい in the future. 先生 comes in level 4. I think all the possible variations for 生 as せい use too “advanced” kanji to be introduced with 生.
I’m sure this is just a “low level problem”, since in the future you’ll have more kanji under your belt, so there are more possible variations and they can just recycle older kanji (in theory).
While it will become less of an issue later on when you’re too inundated with new lessons to pay much attention to the examples, I do agree with the idea. There was some discussion about this in a recent thread:
I totally get that. It’s just, if you really use Wanikani the way it is designed, you will not see that vocab until you unlock it. So, I need to remember the reading without an example.
Haven’t thought about that, lol. So obvious, but yea, it would definitely go a loooong way for remembering the reading if you got an applicable example as soon as possible.
I very much agree with this feedback. I find myself relying on vocabulary to remember the reading a lot of the time, especially when the mnemonics fail me. Anything with Charlie Sheen in it, for example, never sticks.
姉, for instance, has one such mnemonic. The reason I memorized it’s read し is because it showed me 姉妹 in the lesson, a word I’d heard before. And I still use that word to remember the reading. Same with 兄弟, 主人, 未来, 上手…
Don’t get me wrong, I do use the mnemonics for a lot of kanji, but whenever there’s a common and/or interesting word as an example, I find that the reading sticks much more easily. It shouldn’t be too hard to find one among the vocabulary, either, considering Wanikani chooses readings to teach based on which is more common.
Looks like you only have the free version, this greatly restricts what you are seeing. It’s easy to browse around in WK for this information in the “full” version.
I understand what you are trying to say, but I don’t think that the issue of lackluster examples will change just because I can find them outside of a lesson session.
Again, some people assume that the examples are intended to be examples of the reading, which I never really considered until people mentioned it here. To me, I was always happy to see the new readings because you get a broader understanding within the lesson. Otherwise I’m like, yup, you just told me that.
So what you want is the extension of the “lesson > example” screen with more stuff … because it is infeasible for you to go to https://www.wanikani.com/kanji/生 afterwards and look at every vocab in WK, including example sentences, ever? I see …
I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong that you had to give an “Again…” response? Whatever you wanted to say, I think there was a friendlier way.
It’s not about what the examples were meant to be. It’s just feedback, stating that it would be helpful if one of the examples would reflect the reading for easier remembering.
I don’t think you see. I can’t add something to the examples tab, can I? And even if I could. Someone had to pick examples anyway, right? So, my feedback is: It would be much appreciated, if one of the examples could kindly reflect the reading. That’s all.
The other topic from the other day about this subject, in which I participated and discussed my view, was linked in the 3rd post, but I said it here “again.” It wasn’t meant to be unfriendly, but eh. I try hard enough to be unfriendly, so you don’t need to give me credit when I haven’t earned it
I do agree with this. I’m sure every Kanji on WK has a vocab using that same meaning, so this could happen. I also learn a lot better if I have a vocab example of the reading(s) I’m learning with the Kanji.
Guys, I know this whole situation is not really peaceful right now, but there’s no need to make the fire bigger than what it already is ^^ In here we only burn turtles.