As evidenced by a couple recent posts, many Japanese learners make it surprisingly far into their studies prior to the shocking discovery that pitch accent exists in Japanese, and that understanding how to acquire it correctly it is essential for speaking Japanese without an obvious accent.
Whether or not to dive into this subject (and when) is apparently slightly controversial, but for those who have decided to take the plunge, here’s a place to share resources, strategies, and questions. I’ll keep a running list of all the resources so please kindly share what you know of!
We do have a couple users with deep knowledge of the subject like @jjatria, and I’m fairly sure Dogen lurks in these forums…
WK Pitch Accent script, created by @Invertex
Anki plug-in for adding pitch-accent info to cards
References with pitch accent info
Apple J-2-J - if you are on a mac, open up the dictionary app and turn on the Japanese to Japanese dictionary and you’ll find one of the clearest references for pitch-accent information available… the information comes from the 大辞林, and you can see the charts here.
Forvo – get recordings of native speakers pronouncing almost any word, and request items they don’t have (I’ve used the request feature and got a pronunciation within a day)
Prosody Tutor Suzuki-Kun
Website (Japanese)
Wanikani Community post
OJAD - Online Japanese Accent Dictionary – Direct Link to Search Form
OJAD - オンライン日本語アクセント辞書 – Home Page
日本語標準アクセントの概要 – a comprehensive overview of the Japanese standard accent.
近世京都・大阪アクセント – an introduction to the pitch-accent for Kansai dialects.
“A quick and dirty overview of Tokyo Pitch Accent” (just a random reddit post but very clearly written – however, please see this post from jjatria for clarifications and corrections!)
Japanese Accent Study Website
(A great little online pitch-accent resource where you can look at lists of words by groups (names, counters, verbs, etc) with pitch-accent indicated. A good introductory resource to catch up on learning pitch accent for words you might already know!)
Video/Audio introduction to Tokyo pitch accent in both English and Japanese (comes from this site).
Speak Japanese Naturally with Fumi-san, a female native speaker on YouTube who provides Pitch Accent practice materials and more.
Campanas de Japanese a Japanese Pitch Accent and Pronunciation YouTube channel by Mei-san, a male native speaker. It also has 3 different speed levels of Amenbo No Uta exercise videos.
Waseda Pronunciation Course
Intro video (first five lessons are free)
Patreon page with the whole curriculum for paid patrons.
Supplemental Help/Exercises
Shadowing Beginner book:
Shadowing Intermediate book:
1日10分の発音練習 (10 minutes a day pronunciation practice) book:
Genki Pitch accent supplement - visual tonal guide for genki dialogues: