Kanji beyond WaniKani (esp. 常用 and 人名用) plus more [Spreadsheet, Anki and Memrise]

Added Pitch Accent to BeyondWK vocabs, thanks to this thread.

Looking back at the deck, I think it would be more practical to do Lv 61-70, 76, 78-80, and some extra Kanji. The remainder in N1 kanji, non-常用漢字, don’t really matter that much in reading, IMO.

  • Lv 61-67: Kanji in Core 10k
  • Lv 68-69: 常用漢字
  • Lv 70, 78-80: non-常用漢字, but currently in use.
  • Lv 76: some common 人名用漢字