Phonetic-Semantic app mistake?

This must be a mistake, right? (traces)

è·Ą and èčŸ are variants of each other, but eh?

@acm2010 jskdbirndhe


That’s why it’s yellow. To let you know that the look of th kanji changed such that the phonetic component isn’t obviously there.

Why do people create separate threads for this kind of thing? Just post in the dedicated thread for this script.


At least it is intentional, but I will check if the part äșŠ could also be the phonetic component. My findings last time were that è·Ą is the simplified variant of èčŸ. During the script reforms they replaced words like éșèčŸ with éșè·Ą, using only the kanji that were added into the joyo kanji.

But it seems that both è·Ą and èčŸ existed before (somehow related via èżč), and only the meaning was adjusted. äșŠ has a different reading, though.

There are quite a few “obscure” appearances of phonetic components in kanji, were a part was replaced with something else, but the readings stayed the same. Generally a kanji will appear with its original form (before the Japanese script reforms after WW2), so sometimes a kanji will look like it doesn’t belong there.

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I looked for the dedicated thread, but it didn’t come up in my search. Shortly after I posted I found it, but the damage was done. しょうがăȘい

As for it being yellow, the explanation above is that “the phonetic component is a perfect match”

Ok, thanks for the explanation. I just started using this userscript, so I wasn’t sure if this was intentional or wonky. Having it lined up against kanji that looks completely different (to my eye anyway) is not why I started using this script.

But that’s why it’s in yellow. You can safely ignore those if you want.

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Ok, fine good to know. But just above that it says the yellow is a “perfect match” so perhaps you can see where my confusion is coming from.

The perfect match is referring to the on’yomi that the kanji uses, not the look. So if you consider it part of the group, it is a perfect match. In this case, that means it uses せき as you’d expect for a kanji in the phonetic group. I’ve just learned to ignore the yellow ones for the most part, though occasionally they’re still useful.

I might add an option to hide the “obscure” phonetic components.

Initially the idea was to have info available for each kanji in joyo, not for the purity of phonetic groups. But I can see how it’s confusing to have “non-matching” kanji there. I still think it’s helpful anyway :slight_smile: