Phonetic mark for 乗 and 剰?

I was wondering if 乗 (ride) is a phonetic mark じょう since 剰 (surplus) also has the same on’yomi じょう. But the phonetic-semantic composition extension says that:

The kanji 「乗」 has an unknown or contested origin, or its phonetic mark is too obscure to be useful. Stay tuned for more information in future versions.


That’s odd, because the Yellowbridge dictionary says that “刂 (knife) suggests the meaning while 乘 provides the sound”.剩


Hi @acm2010, first: thanks for the script! second: what do you think of the issue raised in the above posts?

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Hi, I think I wasn’t sure if 乗 == 乘, so I left it empty. (Sometimes kanji look very similar but have no relation.)

It seems they are the same, I will update it in the database.


Thanks! I understand that you are using the historical information but what do you think about a computational approach? Something like this:

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