And so, I’ve finally reached it!
And what a journey this has been…
I joined in early 2016 and hoped to finish somewhere in 2017… But what I failed to take into account was just what a clumsy cat I am!
So, with one thing and another, it took me 8 years to get here… But I did it neverthtless!
Was it worth it?
If you are a new purrson reading this, you are purrobably wondering, is WaniKani worth it. My answer is – yes, and very much so. You might say “But look how long it took you to finish it! Wouldn’t your time have been spent better on other resources?” – and the answer is: no, it wouldn’t. In fact, in my case, you should look at it the other way around: it’s thanks to WaniKani that even a cat as clumsy a me was able to get to where I am! Without WaniKani, I would have long since given up on trying to learn Japanese!
For someone who is not a small clumsy cat, it is certainly possible to reach level 60 in a little more than a year!
The great thing about WaniKani is that it provides the core for your studies – a daily routine. It is not enough to learn Japanese, but it is the core, on which you could expand. When I started using WaniKani, I initially thought to concentrate on kanji and vocab and then start doing grammar. But very soon I found myself doing grammar in parallel and then, somewhere around level 20, I started reading simple resources. WaniKani stimulates you to do more on days you have more strength and gives you minimal routine on days you have less strength. And that makes WaniKani really worth it.
I think it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that buying WaniKani lifetime subscription was the best investment I’ve ever made in my life.
I also want to specifically mention this forum. This is the best forum I’ve ever seen, one of the few safe places on the Internet. When I came here, I had some very unpleasant and traumatic experiences with forums in general and initially I didn’t even plan to use the forum at all. And now I cannot imagine myself without it
Whether you have some Japanese-related questions or want ot participate in a book club or just want to click some POLLs, WK forum is the place to be!
And special thanks to @Mods. I’m saying this both as a regular user and as someone who (unintentionally) ended up violating the forum rules on a few occasions: WK moderators are the best. Intolerant to inappropriate behaviour, but also wise and fair, not trigger-happy about using their powers, but not afraid to use them when the situation demands it. I’ve never seen moderators as professional as WK moderators, anywhere else. Huge thanks for protecting the peaceful and friendly atmosphere of this community!
What am I planning to do next?
I’ve decided for myself that studying Japanese is a hobby that would take forever to master. And I might not even be able to reach the mastery. But I will always be able to improve myself. When I came here, my Japanese knowledge was pretty much non-existent. Now I can read resources like NHK Easy News quite easily, but normal Japanese media still poses a challenge for me… I’m going to work on fixing this. And, of course, as long I’m allowed here, I will keep meowing around on this forum, because, as I’ve said, I cannot imeowgine meowself without it