People doing the 10k deck, how far along are you?

I’m doing the Wani Kani style 10K deck and i’m somewhere between 6000-7000 words in.

Currently taking 20 new items (not words) in a day.

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I did somewhere between two and three thousand on iKnow a couple years ago, but in the end I don’t think it provided much value. I don’t know how much was because of the out of context learning and how much was due to iKnow’s system itself, but it didn’t really work for me. Part of the problem is that the “core” vocabulary are based on newspapers or something like that. Any list of “most common words” is based on some arbitrarily selected sources, and if what you actually read differs drastically from the source material, there won’t be much overlap beyond extraordinarily common words. (In my case, I read mostly books and manga, never news, so there’s not much overlap.)

If it works for you then that’s great though. Personally, I’ve just been maintaining my own deck of words from what I encounter when reading.


Ohh yeah I tryed it but, the format just did not sit well with me.

Yeah, this is something I found as well. Plus, when actually reading, what I’m finding is that vocabulary isn’t my problem. It’s words that I already know that start getting combined in ways that I don’t think there’s any way to properly prepare for outside of actually reading.

awww, thanks for the kind words. i see… how many vocabs does wk offer? 6000? i think thats more than enough. ive only burnt a little over 200 items in 9 months. so after 22,5 years i think i will have had enough of learning japanese. xD

in the unlikely case you dont know: thats klee from genshin impact in my pfp, as you call it. ^^


Believe me you are doing better than 70~80% of people who are learning a language. Most of them give up after a week or two. I inspire you if you could keep your motivation and work even after 20 years. That’s an amazing feat
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise😁

Heard about the game. Didn’t play it though😋

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To be honest, it was a rough start and is still struggling a little bit. However, the more I do it, the easier it is for me to do go thousands of words in just hours. Also having a wide vocabulary helps a lot. Also realized that there is nothing wrong with taking it slow… what’s important is that you are getting faster the more you do it.

thanks again for the inspiring words! i hope i can work through the biggest challenges in japanese in the next four years. but yes: i will most likely still learn 20 years from now. ^^

ps: dont play genshin impact. you will get addicted. not good! ^^’


Yes sir

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