Ouran High School Host Club 🌸 Chapter 1 - Part 1 (桜蘭高校ホスト部)

I see where I went a bit wrong with this one.

Recap: I took him to be saying that he looks good seen through the glass (by customers).

Reason: The comment about the reason to use one’s pinky when setting down the glass.

Issue: It was Haruhi who suggested that was for the customer’s benefit, and that consideration threw me off.

In context: Tamaki says the reason for the pinky is that he looks sophisticated.

The side comment follows that. Since he was talking about his looks when setting the glass down, it makes sense that the side comment is that he also likes himself seen in the glass.

With that in consideration, the English release gets it more right than I did (that’s what I get for suggesting it was wrong when it had a Japanese person on translation), but the English leaves the スキ aspect, so I’ll consider myself right in that remark nonetheless =D


Those first couple of times reading scared me off a little, which doesn’t feel too good when you’re the one who started the whole thing. Lol.

Anyway, finally finished this first part. While the reading never became smooth, the first 5-10 pages were far worse than the later part of the week.

Also if I had thought about who would be hardest to understand ahead of time, I would have picked Kyouya, and yeah, that is true. But I would not have placed Tamaki as second. キング、please be gentle. :joy:


Finally finished this week’s reading! The very last page there were a couple things I didn’t feel like I fully comprehended, but I’m gonna let that go for now. I don’t need perfect comprehension for at least another ten seven volumes I think. :wink:


If you change your mind, we’re here for you. :slight_smile: