I haven’t read this week’s whole section yet, but usually if the bubble isn’t pointing at anyone, there is a little icon (one might call it) showing the characteristics of the character talking (at least if it is one of the mains). Not sure if this holds entirely true, but for the pages I’ve read so far, this has been true.
The first jump between Haruhi being declared to become the host club’s servant (dog) and all the guests being there? I don’t think this is even ever explained in the anime, but a small time skip would be my guess. Basically, I guess the club members line up by the door as the club opens for service for a short while and then begins regular club service of patrons. At least that is how I’ve always seen it.
I just finished page 12, so kinda halfway through this week’s assignment. I did not realize this would be this hard.
The narration that takes place between the two scenes gives a sense of time passing between them. It’s something one gets used to over time.
I haven’t read that far yet, so I don’t recall if there was anything specific in the text that would suggest this. Looking at the page, the art doesn’t have anything that stands out to me besides showing the tea and dessert.
Worst-case scenario, we can adjust the weekly pacing.
Considering how many people I’ve seen say this was harder than expected, maybe I should go make a poll in the main thread. I started thinking about that only a few hours ago. (But right this second, I’m a bit knackered, so I’ll do that later if it still feels warranted.)
Please, dear god yes. I feel like it almost needs to be doubled. 24-30 pages a week looks ROUGH. I’m only tolerating like 4-5 pages a day. It feels like my first time reading again.
I guess tomorrow I will check whether the german netflix has the anime as well. And if so, I may watch the beginning. Just to get a feeling for it.
And maybe, if we get more time now (at least at the moment the poll result looks like we will slow down one way or another), I’ll reread a few pages from this week to get a better understanding I must admit I kind of rushed through them before to finish them in time
Ah, I just started SRSing 殿下 for reading Nausicaa with the Advanced Book Club.
It’s nice to get reinforcement for it so soon, even if I recognized by the furigana and context rather than the kanji, whereas Nausicaa lacks furigana.
It looks like we’re getting some…whatever it’s called when the furigana is different from what you would expect to go with the kanji.
殿下 is commonly used in historical anime. After just one episode, this word will become deeply ingrained in your memory. You will not only grasp its meaning but also pronounce it flawlessly. Rest assured that this knowledge will stay with you (forever) and empower you to excel as a devoted vassal.
This happened to me back when I watched a bunch of Korean historical dramas. If I remember right, “heika” was used for the emperor. (I don’t know any Korean aside from words I heard repeatedly watching a few series.)
So, if anyone knows of any good live-action Japanese historical drama they can recommend…
Korean series I watched and highly enjoyed:
Dae Janggeum / Jewel in the Palace
Tree with Deep Roots
I won’t have time to watch for a while, but I’ve wanted to check out Japanese historical drama series eventually.
I do have a requirement for there to be an official English-subtitled DVD release.
This off-topic post has been brought to you by King Tamaki.
(I’m not expecting anyone here to have recommendations, as it’s a small audience in this thread.)
Another definition of 初期化 seems to be resetting. So maybe he accidentally kinda erased the data?
@ChristopherFritz Gave you the English. I’m adding the Japanese below in case you had trouble reading the handwriting as well (this is page 15):
Page 15
When Tamaki calls Haruhi: ダサ岡くん, is that ダサい and 藤岡 put together? I’d forgotten how incredibly rude Tamaki can be without any intention of being mean.
Also, yay, another 5 pages. I’m so looking forward to getting out of this introductory part of the manga. At the same time, I am enjoying finally reading/enjoying Ouran in Japanese. It just adds something.
Someone even says 「大根メシ」a few minutes in! (I was all * gasp * I know that word!)
Agreed! That seems like the most logical answer. ('Course, not everything in this world is strictly speaking logical, but … still …)
I think that’s how I read it… I have this vague sense that “ダサ”-something was referenced before he said this, but I can’t put my finger on it. I might just be mis-remembering.
However, he’s not saying he himself is スキ, but rather there’s a specific himself that is also スキ.
What himself is also スキ? This is where the modifier on 自分 comes into play.
It’s the 「グラスごしにうつる」 himself that is also スキ.
Imagine you lift a glass cup or a wine glass up to the level of your face. You look through the glass, showing a distorted image. This image visible through the glass is 「グラス越し」.
「グラスごしにうつる」 refers to that view, that reflection, seen through the glass.
Finally, because this is modifying 自分, Tamaki is saying that himself reflected through a glass is also likable.
The English release (which swaps the positions of these side remarks) gets this one wrong.
So I asked my conversation partner/tutor (native Japanese speaker) about this one and she felt strongly that he is saying (basically) that he likes looking at himself in the glass. My guess is because it is 自分 as opposed to 僕 or 俺 or something.
Ultimately, it is Xもスキ which is も replacing が so the normal way to read that would be that Tamaki also likes/loves X, which in this case happens to be himself reflected in glass. Therefore he likes looking at himself in glass.