Chapter spoilers!
I think it is safe to say that this is the last official chapter of Orange. The Atogaki right after it sure seems to suggest so. (Crossover chapters tend to be goofs, no?)
Kakeru finally got a letter from the future, from the same future, from his son. I don’t know how I feel about that, nor about the last chapter really.
I think it was trying tie off any loose ends, but I feel like I didn’t get a resolution to the whole “I want to become independently strong” that Kakeru was pushing so hard. But maybe I shouldn’t hold a teenager to their words quite that strongly. And I guess the message he gives his son in the future kinda suggests he understands the value of strong together.
So this is it. The open loops are closed, the future of the present crew is revealed as much as we will ever know. Will Suwa find someone else eventually? Will Azu and Hagita stay a couple? What are their future selves doing (both crews actually)? I guess it is the kind of thing we get to imagine for ourselves.
Ah, it is a bit melancholy, isn’t it?
This is the first series for me which I’ve read from start to end that I have only experienced in Japanese. There are definitely sentences in these last few volumes that I feel a bit vague on, when stuff have been more philosophical and such, but I’ve continued on anyway, not worrying about full comprehension. Partly because I already know I will reread this again in a few years. When I can probably devour it all in one weekend, and when those kind of sentences are only unclear because they are meant to be, not due to my language ability.
So yeah, thank you Naho, and crew!
I’ve had a good time.
高野苺 take a bow.
Thanks for this wonderful, if tearful, series. :3
Also thanks to everyone who read it along with me. It made the journey better. 
And I voted I’d recommend it without reserve, but obviously if someone asked for novel recommendations, I wouldn’t say: Go read Orange the manga, lol. But you know what I mean with unreserved, I hope I know what I mean. If it applies, I would recommend it, 9 out of 10 times, probably always, as long as someone hadn’t already indicated they wouldn’t enjoy that kind a thing (or was looking for something completely different). ^^