This just came through in my Japan foundation email this morning. Online encyclopaedia of Japanese onomatopoeia; really useful with good example sentences.
Anyone want to scrape this and put together an Anki deck?
There’s a fairly impressive amount of information available for each word, but I’m a little underwhelmed by the number of words there. There’s only a hundred of them.
That’s not so bad, if they are the 100 most frequent
It looks as though they are adding new words fairly regularly…
But @Kumirei, does it say somewhere that they are the most frequent?
I think I remember seeing a Tofugu article on this recently. This site’s interface is incredibly polished, and it’s really easy to search for things which is great for onomatopeia.
On the other hand, this site (Japanese-to-English SFX) has a wider array of sounds, but isn’t quite so easy to navigate until you get the hang of it.
Not as far as I know, no
Aye, that’s the one I’ve been using of late. Even that’s not infallible - last week’s reading of Haruhi used the SFX ガラゴロ, which appears to be ガラガラ and ゴロゴロ portmanteau’d together to get the effects of both.
Yea, I think in addition to having a good resource, you have to have a basic understanding of the way they can be altered. It comes up a lot in the Zenitendo discussions. That book has a higher concentration of onomatopoeia than anything I could’ve imagined. On the bright side, I feel like I’ll be a master of at least recognizing them even with alterations any time they pop up from now on!
The book ONOMATO PERA-PERA helped me a lot with Japanese onomatopoeia. While this site is useful, it lacks the explanation of how the words are best used.
Maybe someone can turn that into an Anki deck?
Seems like it depends on the entries. Some entries have little more than a definition and example sentence. Some have that and a comic. Some have that and a video. Some have a full-blown thesaurus-type disambiguation.
On that note, don’t open the page for むらむら while you’re at work.
O_O too late
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