オノマトペ (Onomatopoeia) Drawings

I was thinking I could make this a thread where people can draw mini-comics to help make more sense of Japanese オノマトペ. I feel like for people just learning them, or people who haven’t read manga or something else that makes use of the Japanese オノマトペ, it may be confusing. So I guess let’s draw some to help remember them, or just for the fun of it :smiley:

Also here is a tofugu article on them (with a giant list of all of them, and good explanations)

Also here is a memrise (memrise is similar to wanikani and anki as it also uses the srs system, so it’s nice) someone made of all the ones listed in the guide

You can draw something traditionally or do it digitally, also if someone did the same オノマトペ you wanted to do, it’s ok to do it as well, just no copying


We should invent an English onomatopoeia for foxes while we’re at it. :slight_smile:



Ylvis already submitted a proposal for a new English onomatopoeia:


Heh, Flying Witch address the fact that こんこん doesn’t come even slightly close to the real sound a fox makes, though I’ve clean forgotten which volume that was. Foxes go “woof”, basically. Citation: Wikipedia.

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I would say that’s good, but they make a lot of different sounds depending on emotion, I like the hehehehehhehehehehehhehehhehehe personally

There is also many ideas for some in this one

and this

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