Olympians (medalists announced - congrats everyone!)

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Those level 1-3 members that aren’t active anymore are really bothering me :see_no_evil:



Let’s purge the high level users too, they make us look bad


Haha me too. I was thinking of doing a ~50 day purge (so in 11 days, or any time really) at least for the bottom half of the leaderboard, since even if they eveeeentually come back it probably won’t be possible to get to 60 by the olympics anymore. And they can always add themselves back later if they want. I can leave that to you if you’re down!

no no, we couldn’t without them noticing :eyes:


Also, even if they come back, who knows if they still want to be a part of the group?
If trying to go fast (even with penguins threatening you) doesn’t work, it’s probably best to take it slow.

Not sure if we want to add an inactive list though, feels a bit like a list of shame :thinking:
Could just @ and remove them?


Announcement June/3/2019

Because the leaderboard is getting quite long and a lot of fields (speed and team) are still blank, we’ll be ~purging~ it for the next few days. Members who have all the fields filled and have been leveling up / active on the forums lately will be left, but those who haven’t leveled up in >1m, and haven’t logged into the forums for >1m will be taken out and can add themselves back when they come back to WK. I’ll also be @-ing people to fill out their team and speed some time eventually to get this leaderboard all full and pretty. That being said I doubt anyone reading this will be affected so don’t mind this. peace :v:

Username Original Level Joined Current Level
@gunfus joined at: 1 20 days ago level 1
@goupil joined at: 1 19 days ago level 1
@Joshi323123 joined at: 1 21 days ago level 2

I removed you guys from the leaderboard because it seems like you are inactive. If you feel like you are still up for the challenge, just post something with @GrumpyPanda and I’ll add you back to the leaderboard. You could also consider joining with Race to 60! December 2020 JLPT instead if you’ve hit a rough patch. The deadline is three months later, which makes it a bit more manageable.


@carlostdev smashing the reviews like it’s no big deal
Congrats on the level-up!


:sweat_smile: Thanks!
So far so good, I’m fearing for level 5


I’d say that since I started doing 30 lessons/day at lvl 5 it is still manageable, i get around 100-120 reviews daily. Had I done all the lessons in one go I think I’d be at around >250 reviews/day, which wouldn’t be manageable

That sounds promising :smiley:
Sounds like we’re doing a similar approach so thinking on 100-120 daily reviews really gives me peace of mind.

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Just as a reference, this is my dashboard


@carlostdev Basically what happens is that when I wake up at 7-8 AM I do my ~30 lessons, so I have a review at 12AM then another at 8PM grouped with the others but since some of the others will go into guru or master, it gets replaced by the ones I’m leveling up. So the feed of reviews seems to stay relatively constant and manageable. I’ll see in the long run how it fares. And that’s also assuming I don’t get any kanji/radical reviews wrong, which I’m trying to avoid as much as possible

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That’s pretty much what I’m attempting to do, but since Level 3 is my first “real” level, I’m still figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Yay for consistency!

Welcome to the club :innocent:


Thank you! :blush: Very nice durtles we got :two_hearts:


It’s very encouraging, it looks like the durtle is holding my hand when I rest my hand there to type
Through easy and tough reviews, the durtle is there, staring, with unblinking eyes, into my soul.


Good thing it’s not a green owl!


Are you having fun?