Newbie here: How do I make the "yu" small

I keep getting this wrong because I can’t figure out how to make a small “yu” !

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You can do it one of two ways:


both of these inputs will make じゅ

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By learning Romaji and pronunciation, you will know juu by default.

Harder questions are づ du, ぢ di, ん nn.

Please try to find the IME guide on Google and in this forum.

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There are no stand-alone “shu,” “jo,” “ju,” “sho,” “sha,” or “ja” characters, so typing those syllables just like that will produce the larger character and the smaller “y” character together.

That’s standard in pretty much any Japanese typing mode, so once you know that, you’re set!




acm2010’s answer is the best for you. I recommend looking over the page and studying the contractions especially.

But long story short. Just type “jyu” for じゅ
Think of the small yu as being glued to the “じ” they are pronounced together so they must be typed as one.
They combined forces and together they are "じゅ"or “jyu”

Although you could type it as “ju” getting too used to that could make it confusing for contractions like りゅ aka “ryu” If you typed “ryu” as “ru” you would get る. It’s best to follow the standard rules/charts explained in the tofugu article.


I would recommend studying Foreign Katakana combination as well, as it is quite useful. For example,

フェ FE
ジェ JE
ティ THI
クォ QO

I find it hard to Google for a guide on this one.

I asked this once: Wapro romaji JYA (when using IME). Is it wrong to type this way? Does anyone else do it?

One can also type ZYA, but no-one actually do this. People tend to type JA rather than JYA, btw.

Also, I type TI and TYA.

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Although you could type it as “ju” getting too used to that could make it confusing for contractions like りゅ aka “ryu” If you typed “ryu” as “ru” you would get る. It’s best to follow the standard rules/charts explained in the tofugu article.

On the other hand, that could lead to memorization of the wrong phonetic sound for じゅ、じゃ, and so on. Pick your poison here, but I don’t think the “ju” route is very hard to memorize, and it means that your input aligns with the phonetic sounds each character represents. So, yes, you type something different for じゅ and りゅ, but on the other hand, じゅ and りゅ sound different. Worst-case scenario, it costs you a few answers, but it doesn’t hurt to work the phonetic difference into your input routine.

I’m probably biased because that’s how I learned to type, but I think it’s helpful to align input to sound as a learner. Better to miss a few answers early on that to embarrass yourself by reading じゅ as じゆ one day.


Hmm I’ve never had any issues with pronouncing it wrong and have never gone the “ju” route. But maybe it can be confusing if you start out self studying and you have to figure out pronunciation on your own. I started out in a classroom environment.

If we’re worried about phonics I would argue that Roman letters are really only useful for typing. Phonetically る is neither “ru” nor “lu” but it’s still more commonly written “ru” in Roman letters. When it comes to pronunciation the best route, in my opinion for any language that uses a unique alphabet, is look/listen/repeat until that sound for that character is in your memory.


じゅ = jyu
じゆ = ji yu

Those aren’t the same? How would typing jyu make you pronounce it Ji yu? Even if you read “jyu” it doesn’t sound like ji yu…
jyu and ju are much closer than jyu and ji yu are.

*also you can only type づ as “du” but it is not pronounced “du” even if you don’t go by the more common “zu” pronunciation and go by the old way of pronouncing it it would be “dzu” not du. You should be careful about using how you type as a way of pronunciation."


Thank you! ありがとう

Thank you! I’ll take a look!

I certainly had this problem starting out. It’s not at all obvious if WaniKani is your first exposure to typing in Japanese. It’d be useful if this information (even just a link to the Tofugu blog post) came up in the early levels if you got a review wrong because you had a large kana when you needed a small one. E.g. “You typed じゆう, expected じゅう. Here’s how to type that if you’re not sure”.


Rather than Tofugu blog post, I’ll give you this link

Google Search Result for “Japanese IME”

Although, I am not sure if your problem is Pronunciation itself, rather than Japanese IME? Hepburn romanization (i.e. Romaji) closely mimics pronunciation.

I still have a problem with pronouncing つづく. I am aware of IPA, though.

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I started in a classroom environment too.

Different strokes, I guess. Also true that roman letters are at best a rough approximation, but there’s at least a self-consistent logic to the way Japanese vowel sounds are rendered in romaji.

Try giving this a listen: Definition of 続く - JapanDict: Japanese Dictionary
It may help a bit. I find with words like that when I have difficulty it’s usually because I’m trying to complicate it/pronounce it too perfectly. I make myself slow down, listen carefully, repeat slowly, and then repeat faster and faster the more comfortable I get.

A little off topic but… My favorite Japanese word is and forever will be “あたたかくなかった” I remember having to practice that one in class over and over and trying to go faster and faster.

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There is also a drop menu in below the entry field that will show you the English letter keystrokes that correspond to the desired kana. The menu is marked with a ひ。

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