I have high hopes for iteration!
It’s been changed to the way it was as it no longer happening for me. The idea was good, but the implementation was just terrible. Getting a “that looks like a typo” for answering たのむ for the reading of 頼み would’ve been nice. But answering あ or any single kana should not look like a typo for any word with okurigana.
Absolutely! If they were to monitor what people were inputting I’m sure they would find plenty of ‘a’ submitted answers as the shortcut for ‘I don’t know’. I do it myself.
Bunpro you just hit enter twice to mark it wrong on purpose but I like in the flaming durdles app where you just click the ‘I don’t know’ button.
More typo protection is great but an I don’t know or an undo would be more valuable, to me.
I wouldn’t want that.
I just typed そそく for 注ぐ because I genuinely remembered the word wrongly. I want this to be a failure.
Hi everyone! I want to confirm that we did launch a feature to catch typos in visible kana, but we realized quickly that there were bugs in our algorithm so we disabled it as soon as we realized that. I’m sorry to everyone whose workflows were affected in the meantime. The plan for this feature is to catch genuine typos but still allow people to fail a review deliberately. So we’ll go back to the drawing board and post an update once we’ve figured out how to get there without the unintended consequences. An “I don’t know” feature is also something we have on our radar!
Sorry again for the inconvenience, and thank you for the feedback, it’s always appreciated.
Thank you for letting us know! I have a question regarding the topic, if you don’t mind
During my reviews, I sometimes accidentally type only the consonant of a kana, which ends up with something like くrしめる, for example. I noticed that if I hit enter twice, that answer is being marked as wrong. But before this temporary change, it never even accepted an answer containing romaji, as the box always just shook. Am I seeing this right or did I miss something?
Thanks a lot for the bug report @NeoArcturus! I’m able to reproduce this on my end, so I’ll talk to our engineers about getting it fixed.
Thanks for the update! Like I said, I think the feature itself serves an important purpose–it just needs some fine-tuning. I look forward to seeing the next iteration!
Please make sure any “i don’t know” feature is easily accessible from the keyboard and not something I have to grab the mouse and click on! Thnks!
Just type “no”. Not seen as a typo in either language.
Hi @NeoArcturus Just wanted to let you know that the bug you reported should now be fixed. Thanks again for letting us know!
Just read this and I have one suggestion: For wanting to fail it could be a standard code, for example I always type “no” whenever I do not know or want to fail. That would get most problems solved and it could be easily implemented.
Obviously it doesnt need to be no, it could be anything that is short and quick to type.
The logic would be if NO is typed option 1 no is the answer, therefore correct. Option 2 no is not the answer, but if the answer is no plus visible kanji ( i.e. 飲む) then the above mentioned warning could be displayed. If the kanji is more than just no ( i.e. 上る) it is deemed incorrect.
it is not a perfect solution, but it would catch the majority of the problems.
how about just saying that entering “f” for fail fails the review, then you won’t have to worry about whether it is/is part of the actual answer or not.
How’s that update coming along?
Well, F is already the hotkey for “pay respects”, sooo…