New People Questions! ~~~<3 [Lost?! Confused?! We're here to help!]

It struck me as odd that anything would be just listed as “adjective” without specifying, so I looked these up. Some are obvious, others less so.

入り口 - の adjective
大した - pre-noun adjectival
古い - い adjective
悠々 - たる adjective
依然 - たる adjective
敢然 - たる adjective

I made a topic about たる adjectives

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*smiles* Just as I expected.

You are, as always, sir, amazingly fantastic. : D

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Ooh, nice work! Thanks for posting some of that here, as well!

So, um. Hi? I’m new here (second day), about a month into starting Japanese (from three other sources: Duolingo, Memrise and Genki). I feel like I’m doing fine, going at a slower pace so I can learn the kanji and vocabulary without suddenly getting overwhelmed by a flood of unknowns.

That said, I did my first set of 26 radicals yesterday and I guess it seems like I’m stuck with them until I perfect them or something. About how long will I be stuck with the same 26 radicals without any chance of moving on? Because, well, slow!

Also. Hi again! You all seem like a very nice, quirky community, which I appreciate.

You’ll have to get each radical right three times in a row, which will take it from apprentice to guru. At that point you’ll unlock new lessons that are based on that radical. Guruing something should take like 3 days if you don’t make any mistakes :slight_smile:
It seems slow now that you don’t have anything to do but wait, but once you get up a few levels you’ll have a lot of reviews every day while waiting for new lessons.

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The SRS intervals for the first 2 levels are short, so it only takes like a day and a half to guru the first 26 radicals if you do them on time. And you need 4 correct answers after the lessons to get to guru.

For levels 3 and beyond, there’s that chart kumirei always posts. Somewhere.

SRS Level Next Level Total Wait Review
Apprentice 1 4h - Lesson
Apprentice 2 8h 4h 1
Apprentice 3 ~1d 12h 2
Apprentice 4 ~2d 1d 11h 3
Guru 1 ~1w 3d 10h 4
Guru 2 ~2w 1w 3d 9h 5
Master ~1M 3w 3d 8h 6
Enlightened ~4M 7w 5d 7h 7
Burned - 24w 6d 6h 8

I always forget the lvl1 radicals are quicker! Good correction ^

Hi, shiny new member here!

I made a typo once when entering radicals which made me realize I never want to make another accidental entry. Check, check again, before pressing enter.

So now it was time for my first kanji quiz. Well, I thought I did this right, but it looks like I didn’t. Check out the image:

Why was this wrong? At first I entered ‘person’ but saw my input was changed to kana, so I figured that it needed nin, jin. Anyway. Hope someone can shed some light onto this.

Short version, you only need to type out one of the important readings. There’s a detailed explanation in the FAQ section titled 「Common First-Level “Problems”」

You may also want to read the guide.

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I must have glanced right over it. Thank you kindly.

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Yep, as ccookf said, pick one. You will come across many other kanji and vocabulary items in the future that also have more than one reading. Your example is listed specifically. *nods*

Anything else we can help you with?

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The checklist doesn’t stop you from doing anything and should go away after a certain point whether you completed it or not, I believe.

The way you proceed is by unlocking new items. Each time you get an item correct, it moves up, and once you get something right 4 times (with no wrong answers) it reaches “guru” status. The amount of time you have to wait at each interval is longer than before. At guru, radicals unlock new kanji, and kanji unlock new vocab. When 90% of a level’s kanji are guru’d, you move to the next level.

This is all in the FAQ.

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Hello guys, I’m new here, and I have a question…
How faster can I learn Kanjis here?
Someone here can learn about 3000 kanjis in only three months or something like that by using WaniKani?
I’m using the app Study Kanji that seems very great to me but I think that my progress is not goin too fast as I wanted;
In Study Kanji I REALLY learned until now something around 600 Kanjis in 2 Months, but I’m studying around 400 Kanjis per day.

Sorry by my English, I only started to study english to help me more to learn Japanese since that have more content to learn japane in English than in any other lenguage, so I have to lean kk

The fastest you can learn here is 1 year, but most often, 2-3 years. Actually, the system is designed to limit your speed somewhat, and make sure you learn properly.

Please see the FAQ.

To maintain the minimal level up time, you probably need WaniKani Ultimate Timeline.

There aren’t 3000 kanji on WK, so… no that’s not possible in any sense.

You can do the lessons for the 2000+ kanji here in about a year if you maintain the minimum level-up time throughout.

I’m not really sure what you mean by that. You don’t literally mean that you’re going to try to learn 3000 kanji in a week, do you?

Nooo man xD
3000 is to three until six months ‘-’

Don’t aim so low! At 400 kanji a day, you can be nearly finished with the 50000 kanji in the Dai Kan-wa Jiten in that amount of time!


Also, until you decide upon and pay for a subscription, your content will be limited to the first 3 levels only. If you try looking at later levels, you’ll get a banner instead saying “Quite the explorer, aren’t you?”.

Hi, also new person here, and this question also may sound stupid, but:

When learning the readings of kanji, I only memorise the words in English letters, for example sann, ichi, ninn and so on. However, if I see the same word written in Japanese characters (I don’t think they’re called on’yomi, that’s just the type of reading, right? Idk what to call them, sorry lol) I probably wouldn’t understand what it said.
The question is, should I somehow try memorising how it looks in Japanese, or just leave it and hope I’ll remember it? I remember some of these characters like くand ん already, but these are only few of what I should know.
I also haven’t studied anything related to Japanese language before WK, so this is completely new for me. Is that a problem? Should I try learning something before studying here at WK?

God, that was long. I hope you guys understood what I was trying to say lol

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