Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

色覚異常 - color blind


Man that’s hard to say. Lol

I prefer the Wk version 色盲

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()(まわ)す, to manipulate someone


It’s 銀行で踊り time :stuck_out_tongue:

口座振替 - direct debit
口座自動振替 - standing order


“Good boy/girl/child.” Conveniently, it is also how you call your dog a a good boy/girl/child, which makes this the most important Japanese vocabulary I will ever learn.


I was looking at the Serge Lutens Japanese website, which has their perfume names translated into Japanese. (It’d be cool if there were Japanese editions of the bottles with the Japanese names, but there are not. These names are only on the website.)
Serge Lutens is a perfume house named after its founder, Serge Lutens. He is a makeup artist and photographer and he was the creative director for Shiseido in the 80’s and 90’s. He’s also known for being…almost like a French Willy Wonka of makeup and perfume. I’ve been a fan for over a decade so the perfume names and marketing is old news for me, but it’s been fun to revisit it all with a fresh perspective, since I’m reading it in Japanese.
And it’s been educational!!!
I’ve learned all these words…
修道女 - a Catholic nun
乳歯 - baby teeth
過去分詞 - part participle
洗礼 - baptism
樫 - oak
罪作り - jisho says deceitful and cruel. The original French word being used was criminelle.
淵 - abyss ( 深き淵より is De Profundis).

I also noticed some of the names were different. For instance, La vierge de fer means Iron Maiden, but the Japanese name is 鉄の百合, or Iron Lily. Chergui is the name of a wind that blows in Morocco, but the Japanese name is モロッコの砂漠の熱風, or Moroccan desert hot wind.


I saw this in FF7R:

科学部門 (Science Department).


ご無沙汰 ごぶさた long silence

Learned on WK but, funnily enough, I just heard it on an episode of 「蜘蛛ですが、なにか?」recently.

血圧 (blood pressure), 花の穴 (nostril),

穴場 (good out-of-the-way place, not known to many- I know of a sushi restaurant near my house that is an 穴場 )

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I’m guessing this was supposed to be 鼻の穴? I was expecting something a little more obscure for ‘nostril’, to be honest. What a relief. :joy:

And this is a really cool word! Thanks for sharing!


I’m sorry, I laughed harder than I should’ve :smiley: :smiley:
It’s a flower-stril!

軍手 - working/worker gloves
電卓 - calculator (can’t believe I didn’t know this until now…)


One of my favorites on WK. It matches the English idiom pretty well too: hole in the wall.

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Exactly what crossed my mind when I saw the word, though I guess ‘hole in the wall’ might have a negative nuance in English, whereas 穴場 has a positive one.

燃え尽き症候群 - burnout syndrome (link to Jisho)

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退勤(たいきん)する -to leave/get off work
出勤(しゅっきん)する -to leave for/go to work

probably 山びこ (echo) because I haven’t paid to get past level 3 yet lol, not sure if I should do 1 year or lifetime, not sure how long I’ll stick with learning although I’m very interested in it.

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I tried watching a few minutes of Saint Young Men and there’s a whole world of religious vocabulary that I will likely never use…

涅槃ねはん nirvana (the Buddhist thing, not the band)
使徒しと apostle
せいなる holy, sacred
苦行くぎょう penance
はりつけ crucifixion
悟りさとり Buddhist enlightenment

Edit: thanks for teaching me how to furigana!


しょっちゅうーAlways, constantly etc

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