武器 weapon
蠍 scorpion
憧れる あこがれる to long for
I learned 憧 at level 59 but there’s no vocab for it so it’s cool to have come across this while reading.
Its most common meaning in anime is ‘to admire’. I thought it was used with を, but turns out it’s used with に instead.
Isn’t that word a vocab word for it?
I came across it while reading the 無職転生 light novel. The MC’s magic book only has spells up to advanced and he really wants to learn about the next level. I guess admire works in the context too.
Ah you’re right. I hadn’t realized that; the vocab is still locked for me
一輪草「いちりんそう」- poppy anemone
二輪草「にりんそう」- soft windflower (also anemone)
Something I also didn’t know - 輪 is a counter for flowers, like in the song 一輪の花. Before I thought it’s 本.
Some from today:
揮発性(の) - volatility
揮発(する)- volatilization
憧憬 is a much less common, but nonetheless useful one that you will come across that also uses it.
While I’m here: 剣呑 けんのん dangerous
Some weather related terms:
温暖(な) - warm, but also “temperate” in the sense of climate
温暖前線 - warm front (前線 means also sorts of “fronts”, including war frontline)
温暖化(する)- warming, but also global warming
I thought 風夏 genuinely means “Summer wind”, but it looks like it’s just a name translation (Seo Kouji’s titular protagonist from the Fuuka manga)
風化(する) - weathering, erosion
南風 - southern wind
Haha, happens to the best of us . Nice that you finally got it!
After failing it repeatedly on Wanikani and hearing and looking it up a million times I have finally learned 基本的 (fundamental/basic). No idea why this word gave me so much trouble but it’s finally deeply seated in my head.
I just learned 放す「はなす」, and it’s about damn time! The number of times I’ve heard this in anime and had a little Metal Gear Solid “!” pop up has been unnerving. I’ve understood that they’re saying let go, but it always bothered me that it sounded like 話す and I hadn’t yet learned the difference lol.
釣りタイトル - clickbait.
thanks, yeah I was really tired last night, should of gone to bed woopsy…
I was really tired at the time… wops daisy …
I think “Hole in the Wall” must be mainly an American English phrase. I’ve only ever heard it been used to refer to an ATM/cash machine in the UK.
蝶蝶 (ちょうちょう)
A word I didn’t know I needed, but now I do. Thanks!
内なる平和 - inner peace
And a quick trip to Wiki yielded the following:
研究分野 - field of research
作品集 - anthology (“collection of works”)
作品名 - title of a work of art
Although I am learning Japanese for years (planning on doing N2 this year), I just started to use WaniKani (didnt know something like this exist lol) and it was 平ら (flat) at lvl 4 xD
忝い・かたじけない・grateful; indebted
whooping 5 kana in that kanji, huh
from tonight’s episode of 深夜食堂, “Midnight Diner”:
ウキウキ cheerfully
図々しい forward, cheeky