I’m looking for resources like 日本語の森 and Riki Nihongo Dayo that teach Japanese using Japanese and are targeted at foreign language learners.
I’m fine with these two, but there have to be more out there, so what if I’m missing out on something really good ?!
It doesn’t have to be Youtube channels. Any podcasts, websites, etc. are also appreciated. Currently looking for things in the N2/N3 ballpark, but any level is fine really
Onomappu - While he has some other videos the main feature of his channel is Onomatopoeia. All the videos have subtitles if you need them but the videos themselves are in Japanese outside the intro and outro.
Mochijapa - Relatively new channel so not a lot of content on it yet. She speaks entirely in Japanese but have both Japanese and English written down in the video. She speaks slowly while teaching so it’s easy to follow along for beginners.
しのせんせい - Mainly listening/reading practice though they do have some lessons and other things. Almost entirely in Japanese with furigana on the Kanji. Not much english to be found. They have a bunch of common Japanese myths and stories that they’ve turned into audio books.
Sambonjuku is one of my favorites. Here’s his N3 Playlist but he has ones for N2 and N1:
If textbooks fit the bill, the N2 level and above of 新完全マスター are completely in Japanese (and since they are for the JLPT, obviously aimed at language learners). The N3 level has explanations in both Japanese and English, so you could block off the English if you wanted, but I found it useful for getting used to Japanese grammar terms (like ~に表す文).
I would not say these books are the best resource for learning the grammar points, though they do provide an explanation of each point and 3-5 example sentences. They are probably better used for reviewing and focusing on the distinctions between similar grammar points (and obviously as test-prep).
Arai Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8TGHIsPBfnQXK39qXpPKZg/videos
Uses the Nihongo Sō-Matome books as a basis to teach grammar points. Currently N4 and N3 only.
This is very good for grammar points! I use it all the time
I highly recommend this youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIciBLpZ6BP2XNYTFXb6eRQ
You’ll want to watch the video series in the correct order to benefit fully.
Thank you, this is a fabulous suggestion - really reminds me of the Japanese conversation classes I took at uni
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