March Comes in Like a Lion, Chapters 4-6🦁

This is the Beginning of the discussion for chapters 4-6!
Here is a link to the main thread for this book club.

How are you doing?

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  • I’ll catch up later
  • I’ve already read this part, but I’m here for discussion
  • I’m dropping this book

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I did not pre-read the chapter this week, so the vocabulary list is blank. Please help me fill it in!

There’s only a tiny bit of Shougi this week, but at least one person found my Guide to Shougi Pieces helpful, so feel free to use it to make sense of what’s going on in the shougi parts!


Hmmm so it seems 異母の糸 is a reference to 揖保乃糸 which apparently is a rather famous soumen brand. Both 異母 and 揖保 are pronounced いぼ, and の’s original kanji is 乃.



I have a grammar mystery/ question

I thought maybe the たって in どれくらいたってだっけ is derived from 経つ-- as in about how much time passed , but why is it in て form, and what is the だ there for? Could it be a typo? (Should be た instead of だ ?)

I believe the だ is part of the expression だっけ, that basically means that one is trying to remember something.

So basically here Rei-kun is trying (and failing) to recall how much time passed before he calmed down.

That’s really weird that it’s in jisho as an expression. It’s a grammar particle…the particle is actually っけ, it only has だ before it when it follows nouns or na adjectives. After verbs, it usually just follows the past tense plain verb:

In fact, it is used after a plain, past tense verb in one of the panels just before this one.

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My apologies. I jumped too quickly to the conclusion that it was just だっけ. Certainly the grammar feels strange in that sentence. Sadly I can’t seem to find any explanation of why the て-form would be followed by だ there :thinking:

I definitely love how over-the-top the cats are :grin:


I’m inclined to say so. I’ve only ever found a handful of actual typos in my Japanese reading (more often than not it’s just something I misunderstood), but it makes perfect sense if you look at it as たってた rather than たってだ.

I was on the fence about it possibly being て-form acting as a noun (which it can do; see 見ての通り as one example) but I don’t think that makes a ton of sense here.


This is the beginning of the discussion for Chapter 5.

Here is a link to the Main Thread, with the schedule.

And, here is a link to the Vocabulary Spreadsheet.

…And here is a link to my Guide to Shougi Pieces, to help you read the Shougi parts.

So, how are you doing?

  • I’m reading along
  • I’ll catch up later
  • I’ve already read this part, but I’m here for discussion
  • I’m dropping this book

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That was a nice chapter. When Nikaido first appeared in the anime I thought he’d be kind of annoying and he kinda was but he turned out to be a really nice human :blush: Kinda cool to go through the chapters now with a different point of view from when I watched the anime

Nikkaido is my favorite character. He’s so gung-ho and romantic about his Shougi.

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I still think he is annoying :joy_cat: But yes, it got way better compared to the initial scene where I thought he is an annyoing bully dork.


This marks the official start of the Chapter 6 discussion, although feel free to continue discussing chapters 4 and 5 here, too.

The Main thread of this book club is here, and the vocabulary sheet is here.

Since we only have 4 weeks left, there are two polls this week–but I put one of them in the main thread, so please answer that poll, too.

How’s it going?
  • I’m reading along.
  • I’ve already read this part, but I’m here for discussion.
  • I’ll catch up later.
  • I’m dropping this book.

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After being behind on other clubs for a long while I have finally gotten to this one. Read all 6 chapters today. Omg this manga is so wholesome. I don’t even care about the shogi, I just want more scenes with the family


Chapter 4 (sorry my ebook copy does not have the pages written ><)

What is「こーすんだよ」here shortened from?

Also I just wanna say I completely relate with Rei when he was mulling over the girls’ “come over anytime.” Overthinking club, represent

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For me this one went like this:
こう+済む(すむ) so “in a way somethings finished → that’s how it is”

In chapter 6, what does the katakana in 下町名物食べ合わせのトライアスコン mean?


Are you sure this is not こうするんだよ?

This is トライアスロン, triathlon


…That makes a lot more sense O_O
Thank you for correcting!

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I have caught up until Chapter 6. I just wanna say I love how there’s always side commentaries from the cats :joy: