March 4 2022 Content Updates


(24) - added “sales” to allow list.

(4) - moved いき to the reading warning list.


訓戒 (40) - added “training” to block list.

(5) - added “antler”, “antenna” and “feeler” to meaning warning list and fixed an error that was preventing つの from resulting in a shake and message.

頑張る (25) - added “to do one’s best” as alternative meaning, added “to work hard”, “to try hard”, “to try one’s best”, “to make an effort”, and “to hang in there” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.

態度 (22) - added “behavior” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.

残額 (24) - added “balance” as alternative meaning, added “amount left” and “remainder” to allow list, and updated meaning explanation.
一億円 (13) - added “1 hundred million yen” to the allow list.

家庭教師 (25) - added “private tutor” to allow list.

立ち飲み (10) - added “する verb” as a word type.

折角 (14) - added “rare” as alternative meaning, moved “kind” to allow list, added “with effort” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, updated three context sentence translations, and added one context sentence.

大量 (24) - added “large number” as alternative meaning, added “large amount”, “huge quantity” and “huge number” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added a context sentence.

固い (14) - updated reading explanation.

固める (16) - made “to make something hard” primary meaning, added “to harden something” and “to strengthen something” as alternative meanings, moved “to make hard” and “to harden” to allow list, added “to strengthen” to allow list, updated reading explanation, and updated one context sentence translation.

与える (25) - added “to bestow” as alternative meaning, added “to give something”, “to grant something”, “to bestow something”, “to award”, and “to award something” to allow list, updated a context sentence translation, and added a context sentence.

誘う - added “to invite someone”, “to ask someone”, “to tempt someone”, and “to entice someone” to allow list, added いざなう to reading warning list, edited a context sentence, and added a context sentence.


Thanks! @TofuguJenny <3


Thank you, Jenny!


For 折角, it says that it “replies regret,” but I think that’s supposed to be “implies regret”


Fixed! Thank you!


Thank you, Jenny! :grin:

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