主 (4) - added あるじ to kun’yomi readings.
駿 (53) - added はやお to nanori readings.
戦 (11) - added いくさ to kun’yomi readings.
産 (20) - added “property” as alternative meaning and moved “birth” to allow list.
捜査 (25) - added “manhunt” as alternative meaning, added “investigation” and “search” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added one context sentence.
提出 (22) - moved “turning in” to allow list, added “turn in”, “present”, “submit”, “file”, and “hand in” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added one context sentence.
判断 (21) - moved “judgement” to allow list, added “judge”, “decide”, and “conclude” to allow list, and added three context sentences.
定額 (24) - moved “ration” to allow list, added “set amount”, “set sum”, and “flat sum” to allow list, updated reading explanation, and added two context sentences.
割引 (25) - added “reduction” and “price reduction” to allow list, and added one context sentence.
観光 (22) - added “tourism” as alternative meaning, added “sightsee” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
公営 (22) - added “publicly run”, “municipal”, “publicly managed”, “government managed”, “government management”, and “public management” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
裁く (23) - added “to judge someone” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
応援する (24) - added “transitive verb” as word type, added “to root for someone”, “to cheer someone on”, “to cheer for someone”, “to support”, and “to support someone” to allow list, and added one context sentence.
朝寝坊 (24) - added “sleeping late” and “late sleeper” to allow list.
市営 (22) - added “publicly run”, “municipal”, “publicly managed”, “municipal management”, “city managed”, “managed by the city” and “public management” to allow list.
過ぎる (22) - made “to pass” primary meaning, added “to be over” and “to be too much” as alternative meanings, moved “to surpass” and “to exceed” to allow list, added “to expire”, “to go too far”, and “too” to allow list, updated meaning and reading explanations, replaced one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
過ぎ (24) - added “excess”, “excessive”, “too”, and “over” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.
可燃ゴミ (24) - added “nonburbable garbage,” “nonburnable trash,” and “nonburnable rubbish” to the block list.
不燃ゴミ (24) - added “burnable trash,” and “burnable rubbish” to the block list.
送る (9) - added “to end” to block list.
尋ねる (31) - added “to invite” to the block list.
監督 (29) - updated meaning explanation, edited on context sentence, and added two context sentences.
倒産 (20) - added “go bankrupt” as alternative meaning, added “failure” and “go broke” to allow list, and updated meaning explanation.
破産 (35) - added “go bankrupt” as alternative meaning, and updated meaning explanation.
共産党 (32) - updated meaning explanation.
遺産 (36) - updated meaning explanation.
故に (28) - updated meaning explanation.
花粉症 (31) - added “pollinosis” as alternative meaning and “pollenosis” to allow list.
潜る (43) - fixed an error that was preventing the primary meaning from being listed first in some situations.
研修生 (30) - added “trainer” to the block list.