Hi everyone! Please note that we won’t be posting updates next week, but will be back the week after that.
貼 (48) - added つ to reading warning list.
差 (24) - changed radical breakdown from “horns”, “king”, “slide”, and “construction” to “sheep” and “construction”, and updated meaning and reading mnemonics and hints.
指示 (22) - added “advice” as alternative meaning, added “indication”, “direct”, “instruct”, and “indicate” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
強力 (7) - made “strong” primary meaning, added “force” to allow list, and updated meaning explanation.
対外 (19) - added “international” and “external” to allow list.
増税 (21) - added “tax rise” and “tax hike” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
営む (22) - added “to run”, “to manage”, “to run something”, and “to manage something” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
領土 (22) - added “domain” to allow list, and added one context sentence.
各地 (22) - added “various areas” as alternative meaning, added “each place”, “various places”, “each part”, “various parts”, “all over” and “place to place” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
地価 (22) - added “price of land”, “land prices” and “value of land” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
観る (22) - added “to see” as alternative meaning, moved “to spectate” to allow list, added “to view something”, “to watch something” and “to see something” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
統合 (22) - added “consolidation” as alternative meaning, added “unity”, “unite”, “integrate”, “unify” and “consolidate” to allow list, and added two context sentences.
県営 (22) - added “prefectural” as alternative meaning and added one context sentence.
乾く (29) - added “to carry out” to block list.
交じる (8) - added “to be mixed with” to allow list.
失礼 (7) - added “impolite” to allow list.
自覚 (17) - added “self-awareness” and “self-consciousness” to the allow list.
常に (17) - added “constantly” and “continually” as alternative meanings, and moved “almost always” to allow list.
相手 (9) - moved “opponent” to visible meanings and updated the meaning explanation.
支局 (8) - added “office branch” to allow list.
起こす (14) - added “to cause something” to visible meanings, moved “to wake someone” to allow list, added “to cause”, “to generate something”, and “to generate” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added one context sentence.
褒美 (40) - added “praise” to block list.